Practical Power Plant Engineering. Zark Bedalov

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Practical Power Plant Engineering - Zark Bedalov

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etc., to the load estimate. These items generally are not shown on the process flow diagrams.

       Plant standby generator: A standby DG 1 MW, will be connected to the 13.8 kV bus at the main substation to supply power to the plant essential load. It will automatically be energized and loaded in case of a total loss of the main supply. This may happen due to problems at the utility or a loss of the 230 kV line. The standby generator will supply power to 30% of lighting, heating, some pumping, and other essential and life critical services. It will not provide power to the process, but it will maintain the charge of the plant DC and control systems (see Section 2.10).

      2.7.1 Load Investigation

A key one-line diagram with feeders drawn above the 13.8 kV drawing line being the incomers and those below the line will be called the plant feeders.

      The main 13.8 kV switchgear for the aforementioned project will require about 11 feeder breakers to feed various 4.16 kV and 480 V load centers, three incomers, and a bus tie breaker for a total of 16 breaker and switchgear cells. You will note that the 480 V load centers are looped together to two 13.8 kV breakers from either side of the 13.8 kV bus to enhance reliability of supply of the load centers.

      Of course, the figure given earlier is not the actual operating load. This is yet to be determined. We will arrive at that by using diversity and other load factors.

      Having participated in the design of many projects, we have yet to know the actual operating load in relation to the connected load. It surely depends on the type of plant. We would expect that a batch plant would have a higher percentage compared to a mining plant. During the design, it is evident that the connected load far exceeds the expected operating load and far exceeds the power distribution transformer capability. The connected load must be “treated” with several diversity and load factors.

      During the commissioning, we do observe the operating currents of the individual drives and note that the actual load factors are considerably lower than projected. This is partly due to the fact that mechanical engineers and suppliers continually oversize the plant motors due to their fears and rounding up to the higher frame sizes to insure flows are adequate and in line with expectations. We have yet to hear an owner complaining that we have overloaded the system, or that we have oversized the system. There always seems to be “a lot of fat” in the system.

Voltage MW
13.8 kV 9.5
4.16 kV 15
480 V 20
Cable and equipment losses 0.5
Growth (10%) 5
Connected load 50
ID Name kW Volt Serv. LF UF (DF) Load
20AG01 Tank#1 Agitator 11 480 1 0.7 1 0.7 7.7
15LT03 Lighting transformer 15 480 1 0.5 1 0.5 7.5
20PU21 Tank #1 Supply pump 30 480 1 0.8 1 0.8 24
20PU22 Tank #1 Supply pump 30 480 0 0.8 1 0.5 0
15FA11 Crusher building fan 30 480 1 0.6 1 0.6 18
15CR01 Crusher building crane 50 480 1 0.4 0.1 0.05 2.5
21BM01 Ball mill

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