Electron Transfer. Shunichi Fukuzumi
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Figure 4.3 Transient absorption spectra of Acr+–Mes (5.0 × 10−5 M) in deaerated MeCN at 298 K taken at 2 and 20 μs after laser excitation at 430 nm in the presence of (a) N,N‐dihexylnaphthalenediimide (1.0 × 10−3 M) or (b) aniline (3.0 × 10−5 M). Inset: Time profiles of the absorbance decay at 510 nm and the rise at 720 nm and (b) the decay at 500 nm and the rise at 430 nm.
Source: Fukuzumi and coworkers 2005 [65]. Reproduced with permission of Royal Society of Chemistry.
In contrast to the photoirradiation of a purified PhCN solution of Acr+–Mes at 298 K, which results in no change in the absorption spectrum (Figure 4.4a), when the photoirradiation of the same solution was performed at low temperatures (213–243 K) with a 1000 W high‐pressure mercury lamp through the UV light cutting filter (>390 nm) and the sample was cooled to 77 K, the color of the frozen sample at 77 K was clearly changed as shown in the inset of Figure 4.4b. When a glassy 2‐methyltetrahydrofuran (2‐MeTHF) is employed for the photoirradiation of Acr+–Mes at low temperature, the resulting glassy solution measured at 77 K affords the absorption spectrum due to the electron‐transfer state, which consists of the absorption bands of the Acr· moiety (500 nm) and the Mes·+ moiety (470 nm) as shown in Figure 4.4b. No decay of the absorption due to the electron‐transfer state in Figure 4.2b was observed until liquid nitrogen ran out [65].
The long lifetime of the ET state of Acr+–Mes has allowed observing the structural change in the Acr+–Mes(ClO4−) crystal upon photoinduced ET directly by using laser pump and X‐ray probe crystallographic analysis (Figure 4.5) [72]. Upon photoexcitation of the crystal of Acr+–Mes(ClO4−), the N‐methyl group of the Acr+ moiety was bent and its bending angle was 10.3(16)° when the N‐methyl carbon moved 0.27(4) Å away from the mean plane of the ring as shown in Figure 4.5 [72]. This bending is caused by the photoinduced electron transfer from the Mes moiety to the Acr+ moiety to produce Acr·–Mes·+, because the sp2 carbon of the N‐methyl group of Acr+ is changed to the sp3 carbon in the one‐electron reduced state (Acr·) [72]. The bending of the N‐methyl group by photoexcitation was accompanied by the rotation and movement of the ClO4− by the electrostatic interaction with the Mes·+ moiety (Figure 4.5) [72]. Thus, the observed bending of the N‐methyl group and the movement of ClO4− provide strong evidence for the generation of the ET state of Acr+–Mes upon photoexcitation. In contrast to the case of Acr+–Mes, no geometrical difference was observed upon photoexcitation of Acr+–Ph, which does not afford the ET state [72].
Figure 4.4 (a) UV–vis spectral change in the steady‐state photolysis of a deaerated PhCN solution of Acr+–Mes (3.3 × 10–5 M). Spectra were recorded at 90‐second interval. (b) UV–vis absorption spectra obtained by photoirradiation with high‐pressure mercury lamp of deaerated 2‐MeTHF glasses of Acr+–Mes at 77 K. Inset: picture images of frozen PhCN solutions of Acr+–Mes before and after photoirradiation at low temperatures and taken at 77 K.
Figure 4.5 (a) Diagram of the reaction cavity: (left) diagram around the N‐methyl group, with numbers indicating the volumes of the divided cavity formed by the dotted line; (right) drawing around ClO4−. (b) Cooperative photoinduced geometrical changes. The dashed line indicates the suggested Mes·+⋯ClO4− electrostatic interaction.