Structure and Function of the Bacterial Genome. Charles J. Dorman

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Structure and Function of the Bacterial Genome - Charles J. Dorman

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crispr transcription, an effect that is antagonised by the LeuO transcription factor, with the leuO gene in turn being H‐NS‐repressed. Like StpA (whose gene H‐NS represses) the H‐NS protein can act at the level of RNA, for example improving the translation of the maltose regulatory gene by repositioning ribosomes so that translation can proceed. The H‐NS paralogue, StpA, is a substrate for Lon‐mediated proteolysis but dimerisation with H‐NS protects StpA from this fate (H‐NS is not degraded by Lon). StpA can act as a backup for H‐NS and its expression is governed by an independent set of cues, such as the LRP protein and bacterial growth phase (H‐NS is present at all stages of growth). The H‐NS regulon includes genes involved in bacterial virulence and whose expression is controlled by pH, osmotic stress, temperature, and other environmental influences. Its (usually negative) influence is overcome by an impressive array of mechanisms that link the expression of the H‐NS target genes to information relevant to the infection process (see Stoebel et al. 2008b). Arrows represent positive regulatory inputs and negative ones are indicated by ‘T’ symbols.


      For further information, see Arold et al. (2010).


      The DNA‐binding and bridging activity of H‐NS may lend itself to nucleoid organisation as well as to transcription control (Dorman 2013; Japaridze et al. 2017). The distribution pattern of H‐NS binding sites around the chromosome appears to be periodic and genetic experiments have identified the hns gene as being important for the formation of chromosomal domain boundaries (Hardy and Cozzarelli 2005). Experiments with super resolution imaging and chromosome conformation capture have produced some data that indicate a central role for H‐NS in nucleoid architecture (Wang et al. 2011)

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