Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing. Zhuming Bi

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Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing - Zhuming Bi

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manufacturing system is involved in numerous decision‐making activities and computers outperform human beings at many tasks in both materials and information flows, such as machine operation, planning and scheduling, engineering, analysis, data acquisition and sharing, computing, data storage, data retrieval, and inspection (Cummings 2014; Sotala 2012). The importance of computer aided technologies can be clearly evidenced by the growing number of computer aided tools exemplified in Figure 1.5. The rapidly developing information technologies (IT) make all of these advanced manufacturing technologies practical.

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      The misaligned engineering curricula and a broad scope of computer aided tools in manufacturing pose a great challenge in the teaching of manufacturing engineering. On the one hand, the sub‐disciplines in manufacturing engineering are so diversified that an ever‐increasing number of elective technical courses are needed in engineering programmes. Meanwhile, public education systems are facing the pressure to reduce the number of credit hours for college degrees. Taking as an example the mechanical engineering program at Purdue University, Fort Wayne, the number of required credit hours for a bachelor degree has been reduced from 126 in the spring of 2012 to 120 in the spring of 2017 (Bi and Mueller 2016). On the other hand, engineering programmes are responsible for preparing students for an appropriate set of knowledge and skills using advanced computer aided tools; however, more and more computer aided tools are becoming commercially available and so their functionalities need to be upgraded and expanded continuously. This proves to be a great challenge to integrate disciplinary theories and computer aided tools in the limited selection of engineering courses.

      The concern on the discipline‐oriented curricula has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. A number of educational programmes were proposed and implemented to address this issue. For example, the Engage Program sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) aimed to increase the capacity of engineering institutions to retain undergraduate students by facilitating the implementation of three research‐based strategies, i.e. (i) improve faculty–student interaction, (ii) improve spatial visualization skill, and (iii) use everyday examples in engineering teaching, to improve educational experiences (Nilsson 2014; Bi and Mueller 2016).

      To adapt the rapid advancement of CATs, this books proposes to improve existing discipline‐oriented engineering programmes, at least for some upper‐level engineering courses. The objective is to develop a new course framework where constitutive elements are not varied with an increase of computer aided tools or the diversification of sub‐disciplines.

      The design of an engineering course curriculum is similar to the design of any engineering system in the sense that the complexity and dynamic characteristics become two critical factors to deal with when the system is continuously evolving. The modularity concept has proved to be an effective way to deal with system complexity and dynamic characteristics (Bi et al. 2008). In the similar way, the modularity concept is proposed to deal with the misalignment of discipline‐oriented curricula and a large variety of computer aided software tools in manufacturing engineering.

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