Cases in Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Melissa B. Miller

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Cases in Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases - Melissa B. Miller

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of the product for the purposes of bacterial identification is being used in clinical microbiology for the identification of slow-growing or difficult-to-identify organisms such as Mycobacterium spp., Nocardia spp., and anaerobic organisms. However, mass spectrometry has recently entered clinical microbiology and will likely replace ribosomal gene sequencing as the method of choice for these organisms, as well as all other bacteria and fungi. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) allows the identification of organisms by their protein spectra. Although initial instrumentation is expensive, identifications can be performed for less than $1 and in at little as 20 minutes. Many clinical laboratories are already using MALDI-TOF as the primary method for identifying bacteria.

      All of these assays—PCR, TMA/NASBA, and SDA—have one thing in common: they amplify the target nucleic acid sequence, making many, many copies of the sequence. As you might imagine, there is the possibility that small quantities of the billions of amplified target nucleic acid sequences can contaminate a sample that will then undergo amplification testing, resulting in false-positive results. Steps are taken to minimize contamination, including physical separation of specimen preparation and amplification areas, positive displacement pipettes, and both enzymatic (in PCR) and nonenzymatic methods to destroy the amplified products.


      There are several commercially available molecular diagnostic assays for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Although first-generation molecular tests included direct hybridization assays, nucleic acid amplification tests are now the laboratory standard due to their increased sensitivity. Depending on the manufacturer of the tests, specimens of cervical, vaginal, and urethral swabs and urine are acceptable. Because N. gonorrhoeae is a fastidious organism that may not survive specimen transport, nucleic acid amplification tests are of particular benefit in settings in which there may be a delay in the transport of the specimen to the laboratory; i.e., the viability of the organisms is not required to detect the presence of its nucleic acid. Similarly, the previous gold standard for the detection of C. trachomatis—tissue culture—was labor-intensive, required the use of living cell lines, and required rapid specimen transport on wet ice to ensure the viability of the organisms in the specimen. In almost all clinical laboratories, C. trachomatis tissue culture has been replaced by amplification technologies, which have been shown to be significantly more sensitive. As you might imagine, since these assays do not require the presence of living organisms, patients who have been treated with appropriate antibiotics may continue to have a positive assay for some time because of the presence of dead, and therefore noninfectious, organisms that contain the target nucleic acid.

      Quantitative assays are now available for several different pathogens. These include tests that determine the level of HIV RNA in patients with HIV infection and are now recognized as one component of the standard clinical management of these patients. With the availability of highly active antiretroviral therapy but the potential for antiviral drug resistance, it is important to be able to closely monitor the plasma level of HIV RNA, also known as the viral load. A clinical response to antiretroviral therapy can be demonstrated by a decrease in the viral load. Similarly, an increase in the viral load may indicate either the development of viral resistance to one or more of the antiviral agents being used to treat the patient or merely patient noncompliance with therapy. Modification of therapy may be made on the basis of a rising HIV viral load and the results of HIV genotyping studies.

      Detection of HCV RNA using RT-PCR can be used both diagnostically and for following the effectiveness of therapy. The PCR product generated during the HCV RNA assay can be used for genotyping using a variety of hybridization assays in which specific nucleic acid sequences associated with specific genotypes are detected. Genotype 1 is more refractory to therapy than genotypes 2 and 3. Therefore, therapy is much more prolonged (48 versus 24 weeks) for genotype 1 than for 2 and 3. Further, treatment with the newer HCV protease inhibitors is currently only available for patients with genotype 1.


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