Cases in Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Melissa B. Miller

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Cases in Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases - Melissa B. Miller

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44.3 Optochin disks showing zone of growth inhibition characteristic of S...

      39 CASE 45Figure 45.1 Gram stain of the organism isolated from the placental culture.Figure 45.2 Organism growing on 5% sheep blood agar. Note that the organism is w...

      40 CASE 46Figure 46.1Figure 46.2

      41 CASE 48Figure 48.1Figure 48.2Figure 48.3Figure 48.4 Patient isolate on right; negative control on left.

      42 CASE 50Figure 50.1Figure 50.2

      43 CASE 51Figure 51.1Figure 51.2

      44 CASE 53Figure 53.1Figure 53.2Figure 53.3 S. lugdunensis on sheep blood agar.

      45 CASE 54Figure 54.1Figure 54.2

      46 CASE 55Figure 55.1 Patient’s peripheral blood smear.Figure 55.2 TSI slant of isolate recovered from blood culture.

      47 CASE 56Figure 56.1 Gram stain from blood culture bottle.Figure 56.2 Organism growing on chocolate agar.Figure 56.3 PNA FISH of blood culture.

      48 CASE 57Figure 57.1Figure 57.2

      49 CASE 58Figure 58.1Figure 58.2Figure 58.3

      50 CASE 59Figure 59.1 Patient’s rash on the back and upper arm.Figure 59.2 Patient’s rash on palms.Figure 59.3 Syphilis testing algorithms.

      51 CASE 61Figure 61.1

      52 CASE 62Figure 62.1 Parvovirus B19 infection in a healthy individual. (From Brown KE, Yo...

      53 CASE 63Figure 63.1

      54 CASE 64Figure 64.1 Gram stain of positive blood culture.Figure 64.2 N. meningitidis meningitis belt in central sub-Saharan Africa (from ...Figure 64.3 Large lesions are called purpura; small pinpoint lesions are called ...

      55 CASE 65Figure 65.1

      56 CASE 66Figure 66.1 AP portable chest X ray.Figure 66.2 Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome cases reported by state, United States...

      57 CASE 67Figure 67.1 Sinus biopsy.Figure 67.2 Skin lesion at time of positive blood culture.Figure 67.3 Positive blood culture.Figure 67.4 Macroconidia of organism infecting this patient.

      58 CASE 68Figure 68.1Figure 68.2Figure 68.3

      59 CASE 69Figure 69.1 Portable chest X ray of patient following transfer.Figure 69.2 Growth on chocolate agar. (Courtesy Luis de la Maza.)Figure 69.3 Reported tularemia cases, United States, 2003 to 2012. (http://www.c...

      60 CASE 70Figure 70.1 Chest computed tomography scan showing diffuse, tiny nodular lesions...Figure 70.2 Stain of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid.

      61 CASE 71Figure 71.1 Ocular lesion 7 days posttrauma.Figure 71.2 Calcofluor white examination of corneal scraping.Figure 71.3 Organism recovered from corneal scraping at 7 days of incubation at ...Figure 71.4 Lactophenol cotton blue microscopic view of the organism in Fig. 71....

      62 CASE 72Figure 72.1 Organism growing on MacConkey agar.

      63 CASE 73Figure 73.1 Wet-mount examination of aspirate of cystic mass enhanced by methyle...Figure 73.2 Hematoxylin and eosin stain of tissue removed from intra-abdominal l...

      64 CASE 74Figure 74.1 Patient’s left leg prior to amputation.Figure 74.2 Gram stain from a biopsy from the leg of the patient.


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


      1  vii

      2  iii

      3  iv

      4  v

      5  viii

      6  ix

      7  x

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      9  xii

      10  xiii

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