Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration. Mohinder S. Grewal

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Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration - Mohinder S. Grewal

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fourth edition has been updated to include advancements in GNSS/INS technology since the third edition in 2013, as well as many improvements suggested by reviewers and readers of the second edition. Changes in this fourth edition include the following:

      1 Updates on the significant upgrades in existing GNSS systems and on other systems currently under advanced development.

      2 Expanded coverage of basic principles of antenna design and practical antenna design solutions are included.

      3 Expanded coverage of basic principles of receiver design, and an update of the foundations for code and carrier acquisition and tracking within a GNSS receiver.

      4 Examples demonstrating independence of Kalman filtering from probability density functions of error sources beyond their means and covariances, and how this breaks down with nonlinearities.

      5 Updated coverage of inertial navigation to cover recent technology developments and the mathematical models and methods used in its implementation.

      6 Updated dynamic models for the propagation of inertial navigation errors, including the effects of drifting sensor compensation parameters and nonlinearities.

      7 Greatly expanded coverage of GNSS/INS integration, including derivation of a unified GNSS/INS integration model, its MATLAB implementations, and performance evaluation under simulated dynamic conditions.

      The companion Wiley website has also been augmented to include updated background material and additional MATLAB scripts for simulating GNSS‐only and integrated GNSS/INS navigation. The companion website ( includes satellite position determination, calculation of ionospheric delays, and dilution of precision.

      Chapter 1 provides an overview of navigation in general, and GNSS and inertial navigation in particular. These overviews include fairly detailed descriptions of their respective histories, technologies, different implementation strategies, and applications.

      Chapter 2 covers the fundamental attributes of satellite navigation systems in general, the technologies involved, how the navigation solution is implemented, and how satellite geometries influence errors in the solution.

      Chapter 3 covers the fundamentals of inertial navigation, starting with its nomenclature, and continuing through to practical implementation methods, error sources, performance attributes, and development strategies.

      Chapters 49 cover basic theory of GNSS for a senior‐level class in geomatics, electrical engineering, systems engineering, and computer science. Subjects covered in detail include basic GNSS satellite signal structures, practical receiver antenna designs, receiver implementation structures, error sources, signal processing methods for eliminating or reducing recognized error sources, and system augmentation methods for improving system integrity and security.

      Chapter 11 covers the basic errors sources and models for inertial navigation, including the effects of sensor noise and errors due to drifting inertial sensor error characteristics, how the resulting navigation errors evolve over time, and the resulting models that enable INS integration with other sensor systems.

      Chapter 12 covers the essential mathematical foundations for GNSS/INS integration, including a unified navigation model, its implementation in MATLAB, evaluations of the resulting unified system performance under simulated dynamic conditions, and demonstration of the navigation performance improvement attainable through integrated navigation.

      Appendix A contains brief descriptions of the MATLAB® software, including formulas implementing the models developed in MATLAB® different chapters and used for demonstrating how they work. Appendix B and Appendix C ( contains background material on coordinate systems and transformations implemented in the software, including derivations of the rotational dynamics used in navigation error modeling and GNSS/INS integration.

      For instructors that wish to cover the fundamental aspects of GNSS, Chapters 12 and 49 are recommended. Instructors for a course covering the fundamental concepts of inertial navigation can cover Chapters 1, 3, 10, and 11. A follow‐on class or a more advanced course in GNSS and INS integration should include Chapter 12 as well as significant utilization of the software routines provided for computer‐based GNSS/INS integration projects.

      October 2019

      Mohinder S. Grewal, Ph.D., P.E. California State University at Fullerton Fullerton, California

      Angus P. Andrews, Ph.D. Rockwell Science Center (retired) Thousand Oaks, California

      Chris G. Bartone, Ph.D., P.E. Ohio University Athens, Ohio

      We acknowledge Professor John Angus, Jay A. Farrell, and Richard B. Langley for assistance and inspiration on the outline of this edition. We acknowledge the assistance of Mrs. Laura A. Cheung of the Raytheon Company for her expert assistance in reviewing Chapter 8 (Differential GNSS) and with the MATLAB® programs. Special thanks goes to Dr. Larry Weill for his contribution to Chapter 7 on multipath mitigation algorithms.

      A. P. A. thanks Andrey Podkorytov at the Moscow Aviation Institute for corrections to the Schmidt–Kalman filter; Randall Corey from Northrop Grumman and Michael Ash from C. S. Draper Laboratory for access to the developing Draft IEEE Standard for Inertial Sensor Technology; Dr. Michael Braasch at GPSoft, Inc. for providing evaluation copies of the GPSoft INS and GPS MATLAB Toolboxes; Drs. Jeff Schmidt and Robert F. Nease, former Vice President of Engineering and Chief Scientist at Autonetics, respectively, for information on the early history of inertial navigation; and Edward H. Martin, member of the GPS development team awarded the 1992 Robert J. Collier Trophy by the National Aeronautics Association, and winner of the 2009 Captain P.V.H. Weems Award presented by the Institute of Navigation for his role in GPS receiver development, for information on the very early history of GPS/INS integration.

      C. G. B. would like to thank Ohio University and many of its fine faculty, staff, and students that I have had the pleasure to

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