Construction Management JumpStart. Barbara J. Jackson

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Construction Management JumpStart - Barbara J. Jackson

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and pitfalls prior to their having an impact on the project. The project manager is also responsible for ensuring that all logistical support is completed in a timely manner so that the project superintendent can concentrate on the daily and weekly direction of the company's resources and coordination of subcontractors.

      Want to See If You Have the Right Stuff?

      FMI Corporation is one of the nation's leading consulting firms to the construction industry (see its website at It has been conducting research and tracking construction management and manager success for more than 65 years. Based on its research, I have put together a little fitness quiz. Just for fun, get out a pencil and respond to the following questions, using the instructions given. When you are all done, add up your responses, divide by the total number of questions, and note your average score. As you work through the quiz, keep in mind that there are no right answers.

      Construction Management Aptitude Quiz

      Use the following scale of 1–7, where 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Somewhat Disagree, 4 = Neutral, 5 = Somewhat Agree, 6 = Agree, and 7 = Strongly Agree, to rate your reaction to each statement.

      1 I consider myself detail oriented and take pride in making sure that everything is done correctly.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      2 I have strong written communication skills.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      3 I have strong verbal communication skills.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      4 I am good at meeting with people and finding new opportunities.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      5 I usually do whatever it takes to get the job done, even if it means working long hours.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      6 I have a good sense of humor.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      7 I like to look at problems in a systematic way, making sure that all aspects have been taken into account.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      8 I am very creative and am likely to find unique approaches to problems.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      9 I listen to what other people say and am willing to incorporate other people's suggestions into my plans.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      10 I like to work on projects that are visible and out there for the whole world to see and touch.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      11 I would rather work outdoors than in an office.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      12 I enjoy taking on risky projects, and I don't mind if there's some downtime between project activities.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      13 I don't mind getting dirty at work.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      14 I am more concerned about my own happiness in my choice of career than I am in what other people think of my choice.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      15 I like to compete.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      16 I do not take rejection personally, and I look at failure as an opportunity to learn.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      17 I do not give up easily.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      18 I like working in teams and with people of diverse backgrounds.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      19 I am able to prioritize and balance working on several tasks concurrently.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

      20 I believe that there is always a solution to any problem and am willing to negotiate until a satisfactory solution can be found.Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree1234567

agency CM design-build
architectural programming fast tracking
at-risk CM integrated project delivery
constructability reviews multiple prime
construction management scope of work
design-bid-build progressive design-build value engineering integrated form of agreement

      1 Distinguish between construction management as a function and construction management as a project delivery method.

      2 Identify at least three characteristics that make the construction project unique from other industry sector projects.

      3 Name the four primary project values to be managed, monitored, and controlled.

      4 Why is scope definition so important in the construction process?

      5 What is meant by the term project delivery?

      6 Identify the four primary project delivery methods and discuss how they differ contractually.

      7 Explain how agency CM is different from at-risk CM.

      8 What is meant by the term fast tracking?

      9 Name the three basic ways in which a design-build entity may be configured.

      10 Identify the 10 functions of construction management.


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