To Catch a Virus. John Booss

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To Catch a Virus - John Booss

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href="#ulink_4aa6aa9e-5d86-5b90-b89e-5eef745bb5ae">57). The article described work that was fastidious in the care to exclude exogenous infection and elegant in the clarity of its results. It also demonstrated the experimental serendipity of susceptibility to various viral infections by different species of animals, so-called “species specificity.” Although the possibility of influenza being a viral disease had been raised in about 1914 (31), ambiguous results had been obtained in humans, and unsuccessful attempts were made in other species. Smith et al. commented that “The filtrates, proved to be bacteriologically sterile, were used in attempts to infect many different species. All such attempts were entirely unsuccessful until the ferret was used . . .” (57).

      The report in 1933, which the investigators termed “a preliminary communication,” detailed a number of critical parameters for experimentation. These included the source and nature of the inoculum, throat washings from people sick with influenza. Experimental manipulation and important clinical observations in ferrets included intranasal instillation, the biphasic clinical course, the nasal histopathology in infected ferrets, and serial passage. Finally, the characteristics of the agent were documented, including filterability, the absence of bacterial growth, and the neutralization of the virus by serum taken from people who had recovered from clinical influenza and from ferrets that had recovered from experimental infection. Smith and colleagues also studied the relationship to the virus of swine influenza received from Richard Shope; they found “a close antigenic relationship” (57). However, “[i]n striking contrast to swine influenza,” there was no synergistic role for H. influenzae suis in the production of experimental disease in ferrets.

      There are parallels between the yellow fever story and the study of the cause of human influenza. Noguchi claimed to have isolated a bacterial cause of yellow fever, Leptospira icteroides, in guinea pigs. The bacterium, while causing symptoms in guinea pigs similar to those of yellow fever, turned out not to be the cause of yellow fever, and the guinea pig turned out not to be a susceptible host of yellow fever. As noted above, Pfeiffer in 1893 reported the isolation of a gram-negative bacterium as the cause of human influenza (48). Haemophilus influenzae, or Pfeiffer’s bacillus, as it came to be known, was for some time thought to be the cause of influenza (42). Richard Shope and Paul Lewis found Haemophilus influenzae suis to be associated with swine influenza (36, 54, 55). It was to be shown that the ferret was the model of choice to study human influenza and that a synergistic bacterial infection was not present (57).

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