Introducing Large Rivers. Avijit Gupta

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Introducing Large Rivers - Avijit Gupta

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E.E. (2007). Hydrology and discharge. In: Large Rivers: Geomorphology and Management (ed. A. Gupta), 29–44. Chichester: Wiley.

      35 Woodward, J.C., Macklin, M.G., Krom, M.D., and Williams, M.A.J. (2007). The Nile: evolution, Quaternary river environments and material fluxes. In: Large Rivers: Geomorphology and Management (ed. A. Gupta), 261–292. Chichester: Wiley.

      36 Xu, K.H., Milliman, J.D., Yang, Z., and Xu, H. (2007). Climatic and anthropogenic impacts on water and sediment discharges from the Yangtze River (Changjiang), 1950–2005. In: Large Rivers: Geomorphology and Management (ed. A. Gupta), 609–626. Chichester: Wiley.

      4.1 Introduction

      What are the characteristics of a large river? Meade (2007) has described large rivers as ‘massive convenience systems for moving detrital sediment and dissolved matter across transcontinental distances’. This implies a very long river, say 1000 km or longer, that carries a huge volume of water and a large sediment load of several types from the land to the sea.

      Many smaller rivers have been studied in detail but only a limited number of large rivers. The biggest, the Amazon, has been observed in detail (Junk 1997; Dunne et al. 1998; Mertes and Dunne 2007), and also several others, particularly the Mississippi (Knox 2007 and references therein). Detailed morphological descriptions and relevant hydrologic and sedimentological data, however, are not available for all. We know a lot less about certain rivers such as the Congo or Salween.

Photograph depicting 10 m high midchannel bar in the Brahmaputra at Sirajganj, Bangladesh with the top of the bar at several levels.

      Source: Gupta 2007.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

      This is a short and simplified description. Form, behaviour and sediment of large rivers, however, vary among themselves. Two rivers, the Amazon and Ganga, are described to establish a general picture and several common properties. Several other rivers are then discussed, to highlight an expected assemblage of form and behaviour of large rivers and variations from such expected outcomes. Form and behaviour of a large river is the combined result of such an expected outcome and deviations therefrom.

      Emerging from the mountains to the plain, The Ganga and its Himalayan tributaries also have built alluvial megafans. The best known of the Himalayan megafans is that of the Kosi River which covers 154 × 147 km in area, and slope 0.89–0.025 m km−1 longitudinally from the Himalayan front to the Ganga River. The climate of the region is affected by the Indian monsoon system. The regional average annual rainfall

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