Photorefractive Materials for Dynamic Optical Recording. Jaime Frejlich

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Photorefractive Materials for Dynamic Optical Recording - Jaime Frejlich

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       Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data

      Names: Frejlich, Jaime, 1946- author.

      Title: Photorefractive materials for dynamic optical recording :

      fundamentals, characterization, and technology / Jaime Frejlich

      State University of Campinas, Gleb Wataghin Institute of Physics

      (IFGW), Campinas-SP Brazil.

      Description: First edition. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2020.

      | Includes index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2019032247 (print) | LCCN 2019032248 (ebook) | ISBN

      9781119563778 (hardback) | ISBN 9781119563730 (adobe pdf) | ISBN

      9781119563761 (epub)

      Subjects: LCSH: Laser recording–Materials. | Photorefractive materials.

      Classification: LCC TK7882.S3 S67 2020 (print) | LCC TK7882.S3 (ebook) |

      DDC 621.382/34--dc23

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      This book is a corrected and largely extended version of my former one (Photorefractives, John Wiley & Sons, 2007). The objective of this book is mainly focused on photorefractive materials, their properties and their technological possibilities. These materials are still the most interesting ones for dynamic optical recording, not only because their good photoconductivity and the good photovoltaic effects of some of them allow thinking about photoelectric conversion applications as well.

      The first part of this book is devoted to the analysis of the fundamental properties of this materials: electro‐opticity and photoconductivity as well as other effects that some of them may exhibit and which should be taken into account while operating with them – photovoltaicity, light‐induced absorption, luminescence and the Dember effect.

      Part II is focused on the dynamic recording of a spatial distribution of electric charge and the associated spatial electric field distribution leading to a corresponding index‐of‐refraction (and sometimes also light absorption coefficient) modulation in the material volume as a consequence of their electro‐optic properties. Most of the recording is carried out using a spatially modulated interference (holographic) pattern of light, an index‐of‐refraction and sometimes associated absorption coefficient volume grating results. The real‐time diffraction of the recording beams by the grating being built up results in complex wave coupling effects that should be taken into account to mathematically describe the dynamics of this recording process. Electrical coupling among charge carriers (electrons and/or holes) during recording allows the possibility that more than one photoactive type of defect (the Localized State in the material Band Gap) should be also taken into account. The recording of an interference pattern of light or hologram is usually subject to serious environmental perturbations that may undermine the recording quality, mainly for the rather long recording time processes that are usually the case with photorefractives. To cope with this problem, we describe here some dynamically stabilized setups that actively compensate the environmental phase perturbations on the interference pattern of light during recording. Some of these setups use, when possible, their own grating being recorded as a reference for the stabilization process, which is therefore labeled “self‐stabilized recording”. Running holograms and self‐stabilized running holograms are also discussed here.

      Part III is devoted to the characterization of photorefractives using holographic, nonholographic optical methods and electrical techniques, reporting a large number of actual experimental results on a variety of materials.

      Part V is an appendix where the physical meaning of some quantities closely related to photorefractives,

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