Fundamentals of Heat Engines. Jamil Ghojel

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Fundamentals of Heat Engines - Jamil Ghojel

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      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Series Preface

      3  Preface

      4  Glossary

      5  About the Companion Website

      6  Part I: Fundamentals of Engineering Science 1 Review of Basic Principles 1.1 Engineering Mechanics 1.2 Fluid Mechanics 1.3 Thermodynamics Engineering Mechanics Fluid Mechanics Thermodynamics 2 Thermodynamics of Reactive Mixtures 2.1 Fuels 2.2 Stoichiometry 2.3 Chemical Reactions 2.4 Thermodynamic Properties of the Combustion Products 2.5 First Law Analysis of Reacting Mixtures 2.6 Adiabatic Flame Temperature 2.7 Entropy Change in Reacting Mixtures 2.8 Second Law Analysis of Reacting Mixtures 2.9 Chemical and Phase Equilibrium 2.10 Multi‐Species Equilibrium Composition of Combustion Products

      7  Part II: Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines 3 Ideal Cycles for Natural‐Induction Reciprocating Engines 3.1 Generalised Cycle 3.2 Constant‐Volume Cycle (Otto Cycle) 3.3 Constant Pressure (Diesel) Cycle 3.4 Dual Cycle (Pressure‐Limited Cycle) 3.5 Cycle Comparison 4 Ideal Cycles for Forced‐Induction Reciprocating Engines 4.1 Turbocharged Cycles 4.2 Supercharged Cycles 4.3 Forced Induction Cycles with Intercooling 4.4 Comparison of Boosted Cycles 5 Fuel‐Air Cycles for Reciprocating Engines 5.1 Fuel‐Air Cycle Assumptions 5.2 Compression Process 5.3 Combustion Process 5.4 Expansion Process 5.5 Mean Effective Pressure 5.6 Cycle Comparison 6 Practical Cycles for Reciprocating Engines 6.1 Four‐Stroke Engine 6.2 Two‐Stroke Engine 6.3 Practical Cycles for Four‐Stroke Engines 6.4 Cycle Comparison 6.5 Cycles Based on Combustion Modelling (Wiebe Function) 6.6 Example of Wiebe Function Application 6.7 Double Wiebe Models 6.8 Computer‐Aided Engine Simulation 7 Work‐Transfer System in Reciprocating Engines 7.1 Kinematics of the Piston‐Crank Mechanism 7.2 Dynamics of the Reciprocating Mechanism 7.3 Multi‐Cylinder Engines 7.4 Engine Balancing 8 Reciprocating Engine Performance Characteristics 8.1 Indicator Diagrams 8.2 Indicated Parameters 8.3 Brake Parameters 8.4 Engine Design Point and Performance 8.5 Off‐Design Performance

      8  Part III: Gas Turbine Internal Combustion Engines 9 Air‐Standard Gas Turbine Cycles 9.1 Joule‐Brayton Ideal Cycle 9.2 Cycle with Heat Exchange (Regeneration) 9.3 Cycle with Reheat 9.4 Cycle with Intercooling 9.5 Cycle with Heat Exchange and Reheat 9.6 Cycle with Heat Exchange and Intercooling 9.7

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