Fundamentals of Heat Engines. Jamil Ghojel

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Fundamentals of Heat Engines - Jamil Ghojel

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gas constant, crank radius
Universal gas constantrPressure ratioSEntropy, strokesSpecific entropyTAbsolute temperature, torque, fundamental dimension of timetTime, temperatureUInternal energy, blade speeduSpecific internal energyVVolume, velocity, relative velocityvSpecific volume, piston speedWWork
PowerwSpecific work, blade row width, rate of heat releasexDistance, mass fraction, number of carbon atoms in a fuel, cumulative heat release
Linear velocity
Linear accelerationyNumber of hydrogen atoms in a fuelzNumber of oxygen atoms in a fuel, height above datum

      Greek Symbols

      αAngle, pressure ratio in constant‐volume combustion, angular accelerationβAngle, volume ratio in constant‐pressure combustionγRatio of specific heats, V‐angle (engine crank)ΔSymbol for differenceδExpansion ratio in an engine cylinderεCompression ratio (volume ratio)εHeat‐exchanger effectivenessηEfficiencyθAngle, crank angle

Angular velocity
Angular accelerationκCompressibilityλRelative air‐fuel ratioμDynamic viscosity, coefficient of molecular changeνKinematic viscosityΠNon‐dimensional groupρDensity, volume ratio during heat rejection at constant volume (generalized air‐standard cycle)σStress, rounding‐off coefficient in piston engine cyclesτRatio of crank radius to connecting rod lengthφFlow coefficient, crank angle (Wiebe function), equivalence ratioϕAngle (Wiebe function), heat utilization coefficientψLoading coefficient, coefficient of molar changeωAngular velocity, degree of cooling



      gGravimetricReference state (pressure)vVolumetric


      A/FAir‐fuel ratioAFTAdiabatic flame temperatureBDCBottom dead centrecaCrank angleCICompression ignitionF/AFuel‐air ratiobmepBrake mean effective pressureGTGas turbinebsfcBrake specific fuel consumptionimepIndicated mean effective pressureICEInternal combustion engineisfcIndicated specific fuel consumptionmepMean effective pressureNINatural‐induction (engine)ReReynolds numberrpmRevolutions per minuteSISpark ignitionTDCTop dead centreTETTurbine entry temperature

      The companion website for this book is at of Heat Engines

      The website includes:

       Solution manual for instructors


      Scan this QR code to visit the companion website.

      Part I

      Fundamentals of Engineering Science

      Introduction I: Role of Engineering Science

      Examples of the principles of fluid mechanics of relevance to the topics of Parts I and II in the book include the momentum equation used to calculate thrust in aircraft gas turbine engines, Bernoulli's equation to calculate flow in the induction manifold of piston engines, and dimensional analysis to determine the characteristics of turbomachinery for gas turbines.

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