Wireless Connectivity. Petar Popovski

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Wireless Connectivity - Petar Popovski

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the wireless signals. This means that, when Zoya starts to transmit images in Figure 2.4(b), Xia does not immediately detect that there is a transmission, and only detects one after a certain time that is required for the wireless signal to travel from Zoya's transmitter to Xia's receiver. The duration of the minislot should be set to be equal to the maximal propagation delay that a carrier signal can experience. In our communication model, depicted in Figure 1.1(a), we work with the (very artificial) assumption that no signal propagates beyond a distance of images; then the minislot duration can be determined as:


      We remark that carrier sensing is well suited for ALOHA type protocols, where collisions are avoided. On the other hand, the random access protocols based on splitting tree are good at resolving collisions once they occur, such that the gains that CSMA introduces in splitting tree type protocols are rather modest, as the main effect of CSMA is to decrease the probability of occurrence of a collision.

      2.3.3 Feedback to the Transmitter

      The way we have described the system operation in Figure 2.4 assumes that a transmitter, Zoya or Xia, knows perfectly if their packet has been received successfully or was subject to collision. On the other hand, collision or success is a phenomenon that occurs at the receiver, such that it is the receiver that needs to inform the transmitter about the outcome. In addition, Zoya's transmitter is half-duplex and she cannot detect the collision with Xia while transmitting, although Xia is within the communication/interfering range and her signal reaches Zoya. In fact, due to the use of half-duplex transmission, after sending the packet, Zoya should go into receiving mode. In this mode she waits for a packet from Yoshi that carries feedback to inform her whether the packet reception outcome was successful or not. This feedback packet from Yoshi, denoted by images, can, in principle, carry a single bit of information, either acknowledging (ACK) the packet reception or sending a negative ACK (NACK). The latter is sent in the case there is a collision and thus an incorrect reception. The feedback packet is, generally, much shorter than the data packet.

from Yoshi to Zoya for (a) a slotted channel, (b) carrier sensing.

      Figure 2.5(b) shows how the transmission of a feedback packet would operate in a CSMA setting. As in CSMA the basic time unit is a minislot and not a slot; we cannot say that the end of the slot is reserved for transmission of a feedback packet. Note that Yoshi, after receiving images, does not wait for an idle minislot and he immediately sends images to Zoya. Xia, and potentially other contending transmitters, will detect that the medium is busy and postpone her transmission to start after images is followed by an idle slot. We can interpret this as if the feedback packet has a higher priority over a data packet sent by another node.

      This observation reveals the inherent capability of the CSMA mechanism to introduce different priority classes. In the simplest case, there can be two classes of traffic: high and low importance, respectively. Then the protocol can be designed such that a high-priority data uses a single minislot for carrier sensing, while low-priority data uses two minislots for carrier sensing. Let, for example, Zoya send a high-priority packet that corresponds to some data for critical control system managed by Yoshi, while Xia sends to Walt data from, for example, an entertainment service. After the busy medium is released, then Zoya will always be the first to start a transmission after a single idle minislot, while Xia will defer her transmission. On another note, this property of CSMA can be misused by a malicious user. For example, the CSMA protocol can be specified such that the minimum idle time before the transmission is

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