Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine. Lynelle R. Johnson

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Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine - Lynelle R. Johnson

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for a small dog) through the bronchoscope into the trachea at the end of the procedure. Subcutaneous terbutaline (0.01 mg/kg) may improve respirations in dogs with collapsed airways (although it does not act as a bronchodilator in this situation), and recovery in an oxygen‐enriched environment can lessen respiratory distress. Bronchospasm can be a particular problem in the cat with inflammatory airway disease that has severe cough and respiratory distress. Terbutaline should be given subcutaneously immediately prior to the procedure at 0.01 mg/kg to produce airway smooth muscle relaxation and reduce complications. Aerosolized albuterol can be given through the endotracheal tube at the end of the procedure if injectable terbutaline is not available.

Photo of a bronchoscopy adapter. Image described by caption. Image described by caption. Image described by caption. Image described by caption.
Scope size Animal size Milliliters per aliquot
2.8–3.8 mm outer diameter Cats Dogs <6 kg 3–5 ml 5–10 ml
4.9–5.5 mm outer diameter Dogs 15–20 ml

      When using a scope >6 mm outer diameter, consider passing sterile polypropylene tubing through the biopsy channel to wedge for BAL rather than using only the channel. Beware that the tubing can puncture the airway if extended with force.


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