Introducing Cognitive Analytic Therapy. Anthony Ryle

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Introducing Cognitive Analytic Therapy - Anthony  Ryle

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The Practice of CAT Summary Case Formulation and CAT Reformulation The Process of Reformulation The Reformulation Letter Diagrammatic Reformulation or Mapping The Order and Process of Reformulation Formal Evaluation of the Impact of Reformulation

      14  7 The Practice of CAT Summary Later Sessions—General Considerations Change and the Working Alliance in the “ZPPD” Making Use of Transference and Counter‐transference in Enabling Change Transference, Counter‐transference, and the Working Relationship of Therapy Dialogic Sequence Analysis Technical Procedures Rating Progress Recognizing Enactments and Procedures as they Occur Recapitulating and Reviewing Sessions Homework Accessing Painful, Possibly Traumatic, Memories and Feelings Not Recognizing Enactments and Procedures as they Occur The CAT Model of Resistance and of the “Negative Therapeutic Reaction” Dropping out of Therapy Recognizing Enactments and Procedures at Termination and Ending Well Concluding Remarks

      15  8 The CAT Model of Therapist Activity and of Supervision Summary The Competence in CAT (CCAT) Measure Therapist Activities in CAT Supervision of Therapists in CAT Audio‐tape Supervision Dialogical Sequence Analysis “Parallel Process” Group Supervision Reflective Practice Distance Supervision

      16  9 CAT in Various Conditions and Contexts Summary The Problem of Diagnosis CAT in Some Specific Conditions and Settings Concluding Remarks

      17  10 The Treatment of “Severe and Complex”Personality‐Type Disorders Summary The Concept of Personality Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Aids to Reformulation The Course of Therapy Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) The Treatment of “Severe and Complex,” Personality‐Type Disorders: CAT and the Research Evidence

      18  11 The “Difficult” Patient, Contextual Reformulation, Systemic Applications, and Reflective Practice Summary The “Difficult” Patient Causes of “Difficult” Behavior General Approaches to the “Difficult” Patient Contextual Reformulation Constructing a Contextual Reformulation Examples of Contextual Reformulations Broader Uses and Applications of Contextual and Systemic Approaches Reflective Practice

      19  Afterword Distinctive Features of CAT The Continuing Expansion of CAT The Evidence Base and Research The Implicit Values of CAT

      20  Glossary

      21  Appendix 1: The Psychotherapy FileThe Psychotherapy File Keeping a Diary of Moods and Behavior Patterns that Do Not Work, but Are Hard to Break Different States

      22  Appendix 2: Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) Competences for Individuals with Personality DisorderCognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) Competences for Individuals with Personality Disorder Knowledge of CAT Theory Knowledge

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