The New Progressivism. David Amiel

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The New Progressivism - David Amiel

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pleas, even at late hours of the day — absurdly late sometimes.

      Thanks to Hanane and Eve, for their proofreading but also for their support, their presence — quite simply, their love.

      Thank you to our parents, for (almost) everything.

      Thanks to those who ensured that the past decade spent fighting for the ideas contained in this book was, first and foremost, a story of friendship, especially Stanislas, Cédric, Benjamin, Emmanuel, Julien, Sibeth, Quentin, Stéphane, Ludovic, Jean-Marie, Sylvain, Adrien, Nathalie, Alexander, Clément, Philippe.

      Thank you to all the campaigners who have already shown that these ideas are worthwhile only if they are implemented, in particular (but not only!) Jean, Didier, Fanny, Clara, Missak, Juliette, Olivier, Thomas, Victor, Vincent, Thibault, Joé, Julien, Valérie, Christian, Grégoire P., Houda, Pacôme, Bensih, Bruno, Audrey, Aurélie, Mathieu, Zineb, Pauline, Marion, Grégoire D., Arnaud, Fatima, Serge, Selen, Mathieu, Marine M., Étienne, Paul-Hugo, Raphaël, Aziz-François, Marielle, Pénélope, Sandra, Marine B., Etienne, Stéphane, Aigline, Mathilde, Tess, Julie, Maëlle, Alexis, Jean, Christophe, Grégoire A., Pierre, Renaud, Léo, Caterina, Guillaume, Déborah, Éléonore, Schoitchi, Caroline, Frédéric, Philippe. Thank you to all those who enabled this legacy to prosper, at the headquarters of La République en Marche! and in all the territories of France. Our apologies to those who will not find their names here — this would have required several dozen more pages!

      In 2017, Emmanuel Macron was elected President of the French Republic. We were among those who helped to plan his En Marche! movement; we were responsible for the campaign strategy and its programme, and thus we both played a very active part in a political venture that most people viewed as impossible, namely the election of a man who had never run for office and who, a year earlier, had no party, no elected officials, no activists, and no funding. In a country marked by record levels of mistrust, we worked for the election of a man who proclaimed his confidence in the ability of ordinary citizens to return to the path of economic, social and political progress. In a country that had voted ‘no’ in the referendum on the European Constitutional Treaty in 2005, we worked for the election of a man who wore his commitment to the European project on his sleeve. In a country falling prey to populists who, both on the far left and the far right, shared a hatred of elites, we worked for the election of a man who had experience both as a banker and as a senior civil servant.

      The difficulties felt by a growing number of ordinary women and men do not all stem from the same origins, but they all produce the same symptoms: the feeling of having no place in society, of losing control of one’s life and one’s freedom to choose. A huge frustration has been mounting, often in silence. It was initially confined to the most marginal fringes of the population. It then spread to the lower classes, especially the workers. It is now shared by the middle classes. It has accommodated itself to populism, but it can represent an opportunity as it opens up an historic space for new progressivists, even if they are latecomers.

      The race is on, and the latter are running short of time. Emmanuel Macron cuts a lonely figure at the table of the UN Security Council, or that of the G20, while the populists have already begun to unite and create their ‘International’ — think of the links between the American alt-right (mainly comprising Trump’s most radical supporters) and the European far right, or the links that have existed for a long time between populists in Russia and in Latin America.

      It was in order to contribute fully to this fight, one that takes place at all levels of society and beyond the borders of France that, after two years spent working as advisors to President Macron, we decided to leave.

      Our first priority is to clarify some aims and methods of the new progressivism: this is the goal of the present book, which we wrote in the light of our French experience. For progressivists are no longer entitled, in any country, to make mistakes. We seek to win power, of course — and we here set out some potentially key elements for achieving this. But we also seek to exercise power — something often more difficult for progressivists than for populists.

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