Infinite Mobilization. Peter Sloterdijk

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Infinite Mobilization - Peter  Sloterdijk

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      1  Dedication

      2  Title page

      3  Copyright page

      4  Premises Notes

      5  1 The Modern Age as Mobilization The Mobilization of the Planet from the Spirit of Self-Intensification Sketches towards an Outline of a Critique of Political Kinetics The Prospect of an Asian Renaissance: Towards a Theory of the Ancient Notes

      6  2 The Other Change: On the Philosophical Situation of Alternative Movements Panicked Culture – or: How Much Catastrophe Does a Person Need? The First Alternative: Metaphysics The Second Alternative: Poeisis Notes

      7  3 Eurotaoism? Nothingness and Historical Consciousness: A Note on the World History of Life Fatigue The Miscarried Animal and the Self-Birth of the Subject Eurotaoism Notes

      8  4 The Fundamental and the Urgent – or: The Tao of Politics Also a contribution to the answer as to why a credible policy currently does not exist Dimensions of the Credibility Gap The Voting Voice and the Body – or: How Politics Participates in the Crisis of Embodiment Metaphysics From an Ethics of Principle to an Ethos of the Urgent Notes

      9  5 Paris Aphorisms on Rationality All That is Right Diplomats as Thinkers in Destitute Times Low Theory La chose la mieux partagée du monde Geometry as Finesse Unconcealment and Tolerability Of the Foolishness to Not be an Animal Invent Yourself! Notes

      10  6 After Modernity The Age of the Epilogue The Interim – or: The Birth of History from the Spirit of Postponement Truth and Symbiosis: On the Geological Sublation of World History For an Ontology of Still-Being Notes

      11  End User License Agreement


      1  Cover

      2  Contents

      3  1 The Modern Age as Mobilization


      1  ii

      2  iii

      3  iv

      4  vii

      5  viii

      6  ix

      7  x

      8  xi

      9  xii

      10  xiii

      11  xiv

      12  1


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