Organic Structures from Spectra. H. L. Li

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Organic Structures from Spectra - H. L. Li

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_8c5a7c44-a41f-510c-ba38-19bca29d3bbe">Problem 284 Problem 285 Problem 286 Problem 287 Problem 288 Problem 289 Problem 290 Problem 291 Problem 292 Problem 293 Problem 294 Problem 295 Problem 296 Problem 297 Problem 298 Problem 299 Problem 300 Problem 301 Problem 302 Problem 303 Problem 304 Problem 305 Problem 306 Problem 307 Problem 308 Problem 309

      15  INDEX


      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Observable UV Absorption Bands for AcetophenoneTable 2.2 The Effect of Extended Conjugation on UV AbsorptionTable 2.3 UV Absorption Bands in Common Carbonyl CompoundsTable 2.4 UV Absorption Bands in Common Benzene Derivatives

      2 Chapter 3Table 3.2 C–H IR Absorption Frequencies in Common Functional GroupsTable 3.3 C≡N and C≡C Absorption Frequencies in Common Functional Groups...Table 3.4 C=O IR Absorption Frequencies in Common Functional GroupsTable 3.5 Characteristic IR Absorption Frequencies for Functional Groups

      3 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Accurate Masses of Selected IsotopesTable 4.2 Common Fragments and their Masses

      4 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Nuclear Spins and Magnetogyric Ratios for Common NMR-Active Nuclei...Table 5.2 Resonance Frequencies of 1H and 13C Nuclei in Magnetic Fields of Dif...Table 5.3 Typical 1H Chemical Shift Values (δ) in Selected Organic Comp...Table 5.4 Typical 1H Chemical Shift Values (δ) of Selected P...Table 5.5 1H Chemical Shift Values (δ) for Protons in Common Alkyl Deri...Table 5.7 Approximate 1H Chemical Shifts (δ) for Olefinic ProtonsTable 5.8 Approximate 1H Chemical Shifts (δ) for Aromatic Protons in Be...Table 5.9 1H Chemical Shifts (δ) for Protons in some Polynuclear Aromat...Table 5.10 Typical 1H–1H Coupling ConstantsTable 5.11 Relative Line Intensities for Simple MultipletsTable 5.12 Proton–Proton Coupling Constants in Aromatic and Heteroaromatic Rin...

      5 Chapter 6Table 6.1 The Number of Aromatic 13C Resonances in Benzenes with Different Sub...Table 6.2 Typical 13C Chemical Shift Values in Selected Organic Compounds...Table 6.3 Typical 13C Chemical Shift Ranges in Organic CompoundsTable 6.5 13C Chemical Shifts (δ) for sp3-hybridised Carbons in Alkyl D...Table 6.6 13C Chemical Shifts (δ) for sp2-hybridised Carbons in Vinyl D...Table 6.7 13C Chemical Shifts (δ) for sp-hybridised Carbons in Alkynes ...Table 6.8 Approximate 13C Chemical Shifts (δ) for Aromatic Carbons in ...Table 6.9 Characteristic 13C Chemical Shifts (δ) in some Polynuclear A ...

      6 Chapter 8Table 8.1 1H and 13C Chemical Shifts for Common NMR solvents

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Schematic Absorption SpectrumFigure 1.2 Definition of a Spectroscopic Transition

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Schematic Representation of an IR or UV SpectrometerFigure 2.2 Schematic Representation of a Double-Beam Absorption Spectrometer...Figure 2.3 Definition of Absorbance (A)

      3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Schematic Mass SpectrumFigure 4.2 Schematic Diagram of an Electron-Impact Magnetic Sector Mass Spect...Figure 4.3 Relative Intensities of the Cluster of Molecular Ions for Molecule...

      4 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 A Spinning Positive Charge Generates a Magnetic Field and Behaves l...Figure 5.2 Schematic Representation of a CW NMR SpectrometerFigure 5.3 Schematic Representation of a Pulsed NMR SpectrometerFigure 5.4 1H NMR Spectra: (a) Time Domain Spectrum (FID); (b) Frequency Domai...Figure 5.5 1H NMR Spectrum of Bromoethane (400 MHz, CDCl3)Figure 5.6 Shielding/deshielding Zones for Common Non-aromatic Functional Grou...Figure 5.7 1H NMR Spectrum of Bromoethane (400 MHz, CDCl3) Showing the Multip...Figure 5.8 Characteristic Multiplet Patterns for Common Organic Fragments...Figure 5.9 Aromatic Region of the 1H NMR Spectrum of 2-Bromotoluene (acetone-...Figure 5.10 Simulated 1H NMR Spectra of a 2-Spin System as the Ratio ...Figure 5.11 A Portion of the 1H NMR Spectrum of Styrene Epoxide (100 ...Figure 5.12 The 60 MHz 1H NMR Spectrum of a 4-Spin AMX...Figure 5.13 Selective Decoupling in the 1H NMR Spectrum of Bromoethane...Figure 5.14 Selective Decoupling in a Simple 4-Spin SystemFigure 5.15 Characteristic Aromatic Splitting Patterns in the 1H NMR Spectra ...Figure 5.16 Characteristic Aromatic Splitting Patterns in the 1H NMR Spectra ...Figure 5.17 1H NMR Spectrum of p-Nitrophenylacetylene (200 MHz as a 10% solut...Figure 5.18 Aromatic Region of the 1H NMR Spectrum of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene. (i)...Figure 5.19 D2O Exchange in the 1H NMR Spectrum of 1-Propanol (300 MHz, CDCl3...

      5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 13C NMR Spectra of Methyl Cyclopropyl Ketone (CDCl3 solvent, 100 M...

      6 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Acquisition of a 2D NMR spectrum: a series of individual FIDs are ...Figure 7.2 Representations of 2D NMR Spectra: (a) Stacked Plot; (b) Contour P...Figure 7.3 Representations of Phase-sensitive 2D NMR Spectra: (a) Stacked Plo...Figure 7.4 1H COSY Spectrum of 1-Iodobutane (CDCl3 solvent, 298K, 400 MHz)Figure 7.5 1H TOCSY Spectrum of Butyl Ethyl Ether (CDCl3 solvent, 298K, 400 MH...Figure 7.6 1H NOESY Spectrum of β-Butyrolactone (CDCl3 solvent, 298K, 600 MHz)...Figure 7.7 1H–13C me-HSQC Spectrum of 1-Iodobutane (CDCl>3 solvent, 298K, 1H 4...Figure 7.8 1H–13C HMBC Spectrum of 1-Iodobutane (CDCl3 solvent, 298K, 1H 400 ...Figure 7.9 1H–13C HMBC Spectrum of 2-Bromophenol (CDCl3 solvent, 298K, 1H 400...

      7 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Schematic NMR Spectra of Two Exchanging NucleiFigure 8.2 1H NMR Spectrum of the Aliphatic Region of Cysteine


      1  Cover

      2 Table

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