Process Gas Chromatographs. Tony Waters

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Process Gas Chromatographs - Tony Waters

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than one microliter (1 μL). In such a small volume, even the smallest bubble will displace a significant amount of the sample volume and cause low measurement values.

      It's easy to visualize a microliter since it's the same size as a one‐millimeter cube (1 mm3). A volume of one thousand microliters is equal to one milliliter (1 mL) and to one cubic centimeter (1 cm3), commonly called a cc.

      Another challenge with liquid samples is getting a complete and instant vaporization without making the sample too hot, lest it start to react or decompose. The small volume is helpful, and most process liquids quickly vaporize without significant decay.

      The separating device

Photo depicts some typical gas chromatographic columns.

      Source: Ohio Valley Specialty Company, Inc. Reproduced with permission.

      The carrier gas carries the injected sample molecules into the column, where they touch the selected stationary phase. It's the contact with the stationary phase that causes separation. The stationary phase delays the sample molecules − some more than others − so different components end up with different transit times through the column. Each component emerges from the column after its own characteristic retention time.

      It takes time

      A chromatographic separation takes time. In most process applications, the analysis time is from one to ten minutes, depending on the complexity of the analyzed mixture. Some complex separations take longer.

      Of course, it's possible for two or more components to have about the same retention time in a column, so a column might not separate every component from every other component present in the sample. The task of a PGC column system is to separate the measured components from all the others. It's neither necessary nor desirable to separate everything.

      Multiple columns

      The choice of separating column is always the key to a successful analysis. In practice, it's difficult to achieve the desired separation using just one column, so process gas chromatographs usually employ multiple columns to achieve the necessary separation in the shortest possible time.

      For simplicity, the figure shows a rotary valve that rotates 90° when actuated, thereby flushing later peaks to vent. Other valves have a similar function. Schematic illustration of a Simple Column Switching System. In this figure, a rotary valve that rotates in 90° when actuated, thereby flushing later peaks to vent. Other valves have a similar function.

      Intercolumn valves must not leak. They must also have very low internal volume and smooth flow paths, lest separated components start to remix. For the same reason, a PGC typically employs images‐inch o.d. tubing for all its internal plumbing.

      PGCs are individually configured for a particular application. During this procedure, known as application engineering, the application engineer chooses a column system to perform the desired separation and decides on the stationary phase needed for each column. Refer to Chapter 9 for a review of some standard column configurations and the function of each column.

      SCI-FILE: On Column Types

      Introduction to SCI‐FILEs

      Each SCI‐FILE is a supplement to the main text that you can safely omit if not of immediate interest. Treat them as reference sources to consult when needed.

      Two kinds of column

      The stationary phase must be secure inside the column so it doesn't move. The packed column and the open‐tubular column differ per the method they use to anchor the stationary phase in place.

      Packed columns

      A packed column most often uses several meters of ⅛‐inch o.d. stainless steel tubing, although early PGCs used larger diameters, and some PGCs now employ images‐inch o.d. “micropacked” columns.

      In the traditional packed column, the packing is a granular porous solid with particles about the same size as granulated sugar. These particles pack tightly together inside the tube so that any sample molecules moving with the carrier gas are in intimate contact with them.

      The type of column so produced depends on the role of the solid particles:

       An active‐solid column contains solid particles having a large activated surface area to selectively adsorb certain molecules from the sample gas.Since the stationary phase is solid, this technique is gas‐solid chromatography (GSC).

       A liquid‐phase column contains solid particles having a coating of non‐volatile liquid to selectively dissolve certain molecules from the sample gas.Since the stationary phase is liquid, this technique is gas‐liquid chromatography (GLC).

      Many columns now use proprietary stationary phases, often made from specialized polymer material. These columns don't easily fit into the old classifications

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