Body Sensor Networking, Design and Algorithms. Saeid Sanei

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Body Sensor Networking, Design and Algorithms - Saeid Sanei

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they can be deployed to inaccessible environments, such as forests, sea vessels, swamps, or mountains. In such cases, many redundant or spare nodes may be placed in the environment, making more dense distribution of the sensors to avoid any negative impact of node failures. In BSNs, however, the nodes are located in clinically more informative zones around or even inside the human body. This makes the total number of nodes limited, and generally rarely more than a few dozen. Each node is mounted properly to ensure more robust and accurate results [29]. However, there are cases where the sensors are movable and deployed for short duration recordings. An example of such sensors is endoscopic capsules, also called esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), for monitoring human intestine and internal abdomen tissues.

      Also, in terms of functionality attributes, the nodes in WSNs often record data of the same modality (although, in recent applications, different modalities such as sound and video have been taken into account by WSNs), whereas, in BSNs, various sensors collect different physiological and biological data.

      Some limitations in sensor design – such as their geometrical dimensions, weight, shape, appearance, and size – may be less important for the WSN nodes than those of BSNs. Different sensor types are used in a BSN for recording various data types from the human body [8]. For a WSN there may be large-size sensors which are very resistive to a rough and hostile environment. In BSNs the nodes are supported by more robust electronic circuits which are less sensitive to noise, such as well-tuned differential amplifiers, to enable the recording of very low amplitude signals such as scalp EEG or surface electromyography (EMG). The sensors are often small and delicate enough to be wearable, less intrusive, easily deployable within the human body, and in many cases biocompatible [30].

      There are other considerations and limitations for BSNs, for example in many applications the human body is in motion and the BSN nodes move accordingly. Also, unlike for WSNs, where the nodes are powered by many sources such as the national grid, wind turbine, and solar cells, for conventional BSNs, the consumable energy should be optimised and batteries with limited power (though rechargeable) used [31, 32]. On the other hand, with regards to data transmission, the nodes in a WSN often transfer the data with similar rates as long as the data modality is the same. This is, however, not the case for a BSN, as various sensors sample and transfer the data at rates appropriate to the underlying physiological variables under examination.

      Another concern about the data type in BSNs is that the human body is nonhomogeneous and each part is modelled as an entirely nonlinear system. Also, the physiological signals are inherently highly nonstationary, i.e. their statistical properties vary over time. Therefore, accurate analysis of such data is significantly more challenging than for other types of data, and many linear signal processing methods, therefore, are likely to fail to capture and analyse the true features of the data.

      In terms of data communication through conventional wireless systems, WBANs support a variety of real-time health monitoring and consumer electronics applications. The latest standardization of WBANs is the IEEE 802.15.6 standard [35] which aims to provide an international standard for low-power, short-range, and extremely reliable wireless communication within the surrounding area of the human body, supporting a vast range of data rates for different applications. The security association in this standard includes four elliptic curve-based key agreement protocols that are used for generating a master key.

      The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has approved the allocation of 40 MHz of spectrum bandwidth for medical BAN low-power, wide-area radio links at the 2360–2400 MHz band. This allows off-loading WBAN communication from the already saturated standard Wi-Fi spectrum to a standard band [36].

      Apart from 2390–2400 MHz band which is not subject to registration or coordination and may be used in all areas including residential, the 2360–2390 MHz frequency range is available on a secondary basis. The FCC will expand the existing Medical Device Radiocommunication (MedRadio) Service in Part 95 of its rules. WBAN devices using this band can operate on a ‘licence-by-rule’ basis, which eliminates the need to apply for individual transmitter licences. Usage of the 2360–2390 MHz frequencies is restricted to indoor operation at healthcare facilities and subject to registration and site approval by coordinators to protect aeronautical telemetry primary usage [37].

Schematic illustration of an overall architecture of a BSN.

      A more detail architecture, which are discussed in the corresponding chapter of this book, involves various levels and modes of communications between the body-mounted sensors and the corresponding clinical or social agencies. Such data transfer systems inherently include in-house or short-range media (approximately 2–3 m), often called intra-BAN communication, between personal and public network (inter-BAN communication), and those entirely within public wireless communication system (beyond-BAN communication).

      Data fusion, as another BSN direction of research, has been under vast development as new techniques in multimodal data recording, analysis, and multiagent distributed systems and networks have been introduced.

      Moreover, machine learning techniques have powered up BSN research by developing new techniques in clustering, classification [45], anomaly detection, and decision making as well as many other approaches in big data analytics, to suit the corresponding data.

Schematic illustration of the main research areas in a BSN.

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