Body Sensor Networking, Design and Algorithms. Saeid Sanei

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Body Sensor Networking, Design and Algorithms - Saeid Sanei

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to monitor the walking steps of humans or help correct the posture of athletes.

      3.2.4 Goniometer

      A goniometer is used to track the angle changes and is used for angle measurement in gait analysis since it is flexible and can rotate proportionally to the joint angle being measured [32]. It is particularly useful for the analysis of ranges of motion. Using a goniometer, it is possible to determine the range of knee joint angular movement to monitor patients with knee injuries. An optical fibre-based goniometer has been introduced in [33].

      3.2.5 Electromyography

      3.2.6 Sensing Fabric

      The goal in sensing fabric-based technology is the integration of sensors, communication components, and the processing elements into the fabric. The most common types are pressure sensors, including piezoelectric, piezoresistive, resistive, and capacitive sensors [35]. These sensors can be networked in a carpet to record the step pressure from both feet. In a more useful design, however, the pressure sensors and their associated electronics and wireless communication system, which does fit completely inside the shoe, is very demanding for the long-term monitoring and recordings of daily activities. Therefore, to make a valuable gait analysis platform, the sensing fabric technology has been directed towards the development of pressure-sensitive foot insoles with wireless communication capability [36].

      These sensors sense and capture the information emitted from the body inherently due to physiological or metabolic changes. These can be due to normal or abnormal human states. They can also be due to external effects such as viewing intriguing scenes, temperature change, and various physical activities.

      3.3.1 Multichannel Measurement of the Nerves Electric Potentials

Schematic illustration of a simple EEG differential amplifier used in EEG or EMG systems.

      ECG (also called EKG) is used to measure the electrical activity of the heart muscle nerves. The activity stems from pumping the blood through the right supraventricular down into the right ventricle and circling upward from the left ventricle to the left supraventricular and pumping into the arteries. Often 10–14 electrodes are used with reference to the arm, wrist or foot to capture the state of different heart sections.

      The systems for measuring electrical activity of the body don't involve any time delay and therefore processing of EEG, MEG, EMG, and ECG doesn't suffer any fading, clutter, or time overlapping of the signals. On the other hand, the effective frequency range falls below 500 Hz, which requires low processing power and bandwidth.

Photos depict (a) ECoG and (b) foramen ovale electrodes denoted by pointers. In this setup, a scalp EEG has also been used.

      One of the challenging problems in assessing the recorded stethoscope data is separation of heart and lung sounds for automatic diagnosis. The difficulty stems from the fact that sound signals are subject to delay and for their separation a robust convolutive source separation technique is required. Although many solutions have been proposed by signal processing researchers [37–40], design of a clinically usable system which can effectively separate these two sound signals is still being researched.

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