Concepts of the Self. Anthony Elliott

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Concepts of the Self - Anthony  Elliott

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in the course of a life trajectory? In addressing these questions, I pay close attention to George Herbert Mead’s theories of the emergence of the self, and I also consider the ways in which his ideas have been developed in the sociological tradition of symbolic interactionism. The extremely subtle distinctions we often make in developing shared understandings about self-identity, as elucidated in the sociological writings of Erving Goffman, are also examined in this chapter. Finally, the chapter addresses the wider field of social theory and considers how self-identity links to social influences that are increasingly global in their implications and consequences. Here, the writings of the British sociologist Anthony Giddens are discussed and critically evaluated.

      Chapter 4 focuses on the nature of gender and its relation to the self. Feminism holds that the social world is pervaded by gender, that men and women are socialized into distinct patterns of relating to each other, and that masculine and feminine senses of self are tied to asymmetrical relations of gender power. How is gender power reproduced at the level of the self? How do men and women acquire a distinct sense of masculine or feminine gender identity? The writings of two feminists strongly influenced by psychoanalysis, Nancy Chodorow and Julia Kristeva, are critically examined against this backdrop. I look in particular at the very different concepts of the self articulated by Chodorow and Kristeva, and compare their blending of feminism and psychoanalysis. Gender is also at the heart of contemporary anxiety about sexual choice, erotic orientation, and the bridging of sexuality and the performance or enactment of gender. The work of the radical sexual feminist, Judith Butler, on strategies for the subversion of gender identity is discussed in this context, and the chapter concludes with a discussion of recent gay and lesbian scholarship on the self as well as critical evaluation of queer theory.

      A final remark about the scope of this book. I have tried to develop in the pages that follow a concise introduction to some of the major concepts and theories of the self in contemporary social theory and social science. The book is not intended as an exhaustive discussion of the topic; in analysing the major theories of self in social theory today – from psychoanalysis and queer theory to postmodern approaches – I have tried to keep the discussion lively and concise, and this means some sacrifice in respect of detail and complexity. Nonetheless, my hope is that the reader finds this critical introduction to the self substantial and engaging. If the reader is encouraged to delve deeper into current debates over the self as a consequence of this book, then its purpose will have been served.

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