Digital Life. Tim Markham

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Digital Life - Tim Markham

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to the self, but is integral to how we continually become selves. This then raises the question of moral obligation in relation to modes of selfing that change over time, something that appears to have been proceeding at pace in recent history. How does one strike an ethical bearing towards one’s self if it is constituted on the move in a world in flux? The chapter answers this by tackling the thorny issue of data privacy and surveillance culture, and especially the apathy with which many citizens regard these issues. It builds on an exegesis of the Lord and Bondsman section of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit to reframe autonomy as a collective, situated and practical value more appropriate to our digital world.

      Chapter 6 takes up these insights and demonstrates how they can be put to work to reframe public deliberation in the digital age. Specifically, it seeks to shed new light on an aspect of digital life that is said to be undermining the public sphere: identity politics. Beginning with a consideration of Merleau-Ponty’s analysis of the relationship between perception and values in everyday life, it moves on to marshal Alasdair MacIntyre’s After Virtue to work towards a reconceptualization of values as dispositional practices. Rethinking values as things done in everyday digital life rather than internal qualities to be defended from exogenous forces points towards a different future for deliberative democracy far from the polarized filter bubbles often seen as an inevitable consequence of digitization.

      Chapter 7 then asks a critical question that pushes beyond the realm of social relations: what does it mean to live ethically in a world suffused with digital processes, mechanisms, environments and infrastructures? While all of these things structure and generate our conditions of sociality, the lived experience of them exceeds their intent and design. The withdrawal of infrastructure from conscious experience is not necessarily sinister, and it remains possible to live creatively and critically amongst forces like the protocols of social media platforms.

      Finally, Chapter 8 rounds out the discussion by reflecting on Michel de Certeau’s theorization of the possibility of creativity and resistance in the face of an imposed social order. The world-disclosing, agentic potential of making do with the digital resources we find ready at hand in everyday life cannot be underestimated, offering as they do endless opportunities to experiment, reveal stakes, strike stances accordingly, and then to persevere or try something else. It is assuredly the case that those resources, practices and postures are not of us but of the world; nonetheless the temporally indeterminate scope to enact them effects real change in that world. Repertoires of improvisation are key to living ethically in the digital age, as selves that are provisional not programmed, enacting politics that are likewise provisional not programmatic.


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