Synthesis Gas. James G. Speight

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Synthesis Gas - James G. Speight

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cross-linked structures, which reduce reactivity. The reactivity of char also depends upon thermal treatment it receives during formation from the parent feedstock – the gasification rate of char decreases as the char preparation temperature increases due to the decrease in active surface areas of char. Therefore, a change of char preparation temperature may change the chemical nature of char, which in turn may change the gasification rate.

      Typically, char has a higher surface area compared to the surface area of the parent feedstock, even when the feedstock has been pelletized, and the surface area changes as the char undergoes gasification – the surface area increases with carbon conversion, reaches maximum and then decreases. These changes in turn affect gasification rates – in general, reactivity increases with the increase in surface area. The initial increase in surface area appears to be caused by cleanup and widening of pores in the char. The decrease in surface area at high carbon conversion may be due to coalescence of pores, which ultimately leads to collapse of the pore structure within the char.

      Heat transfer and mass transfer processes in fixed- or moving-bed gasifiers are affected by complex solids flow and chemical reactions. Coarsely crushed feedstock settles while undergoing heating, drying, devolatilization, gasification and combustion. Also, the feedstock particles change in diameter, shape, and porosity – non-ideal behavior may result from certain types of chemical structures in the feedstock, gas bubbles, and channel and a variable void fraction may also change heat and mass transfer characteristics.

      An important factor is the importance of the pyrolysis temperature as a major factor in the thermal history, and consequently in the thermodynamics of the feedstock char. However, the thermal history of a char should also depend on the rate of temperature rise to the pyrolysis temperature and on the length of time the char is kept at the pyrolysis temperature (soak time), which might be expected to reduce the residual entropy of the char by employing a longer soak time.

      Alkali metal salts are known to catalyze the steam gasification reaction of carbonaceous materials, including coal. The process is based on the concept that alkali metal salts (such as potassium carbonate, sodium carbonate, potassium sulfide, sodium sulfide, and the like) will catalyze the steam gasification of feedstocks. The order of catalytic activity of alkali metals on the gasification reaction is:


      Catalyst amounts on the order of 10 to 20% w/w potassium carbonate will lower bituminous coal gasifier temperatures from 925°C (1695oF) to 700°C (1090oF) and that the catalyst can be introduced to the gasifier impregnated on coal or char. In addition, tests with potassium carbonate showed that this material also acts as a catalyst for the methanation reaction. In addition, the use of catalysts can reduce the amount of tar formed in the process. In the case of catalytic steam gasification of coal, carbon deposition reaction may affect catalyst life by fouling the catalyst active sites. This carbon deposition reaction is more likely to take place whenever the steam concentration is low.

      Catalysts can also be used to favor or suppress the formation of certain components in the gaseous product by changing the chemistry of the reaction, the rate of reaction, and the thermodynamic balance of the reaction. For example, in the production of synthesis gas (mixtures of hydrogen and carbon monoxide), methane is also produced in small amounts. Catalytic gasification can be used to either promote methane formation or suppress it. Water Gas Shift Reaction

      The water gas shift reaction (shift conversion) is necessary because the gaseous product from a gasifier generally contains large amounts of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, plus lesser amounts of other gases. Carbon monoxide and hydrogen (if they are present in the mole ratio of 1:3) can be reacted in the presence of a catalyst to produce methane. However, some adjustment to the ideal (1:3) is usually required and, to accomplish this, all or part of the stream is treated according to the waste gas shift (shift conversion) reaction. This involves reacting carbon monoxide with steam to produce a carbon dioxide and hydrogen whereby the desired 1:3 mole ratio of carbon monoxide to hydrogen may be obtained:


      Even though the water gas shift reaction is not classified as one of the principal gasification reactions, it cannot be omitted in the analysis of chemical reaction systems that involve synthesis gas. Among all reactions involving synthesis gas, this reaction equilibrium is least sensitive to the temperature variation – the equilibrium constant is least strongly dependent on the temperature. Therefore, the reaction equilibrium can be reversed in a variety of practical process conditions over a wide range of temperature.

      The water gas shift reaction in its forward direction is mildly exothermic and although all of the participating chemical species are in gaseous form, the reaction is believed to be heterogeneous insofar as the chemistry occurs at the surface of the feedstock and the reaction is actually catalyzed by carbon surfaces. In addition, the reaction can also take place homogeneously as well as heterogeneously and a generalized understanding of the water gas shift reaction is difficult to achieve. Even the published kinetic rate information is not immediately useful or applicable to a practical reactor situation.

      Synthesis gas from a gasifier contains a variety of gaseous species other than carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Typically, they include carbon dioxide, methane, and water (steam). Depending on the objective of the ensuing process, the composition of synthesis gas may need to be preferentially readjusted. If the objective of the gasification process is to obtain a high yield of methane, it would be preferred to have the molar ratio of hydrogen to carbon monoxide at 3:1:


      The water gas shift reaction is one of the major reactions in the steam gasification process, where both water and carbon monoxide are present in ample amounts. Although the four chemical species involved in the water gas shift reaction are gaseous compounds at the reaction stage of most gas processing, the water gas shift reaction, in the case of steam gasification of feedstock, predominantly takes place on the solid surface of feedstock (hetero-geneous reaction). If the product synthesis gas from a gasifier needs to be reconditioned by the water gas shift reaction, this reaction can be catalyzed by a variety of metallic catalysts.

      Choice of specific kinds of catalysts has always depended on the desired outcome, the prevailing temperature conditions, composition of gas mixture, and process economics. Typical catalysts used for the reaction include catalysts containing iron, copper, zinc, nickel, chromium, and molybdenum. Carbon Dioxide Gasification

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