News 2.0. Ahmed Al-Rawi

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News 2.0 - Ahmed Al-Rawi

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5.3 News topic distribution along the 10 news organizations.Table 5.4 Viral news on the four newspapers' Twitter accounts.Table 5.5 Viral news on the four newspapers' YouTube channels.Table 5.6 Ranking of news stories on YouTube and Twitter.Table 5.7 Average results on YouTube and Twitter in sequence.Table 5.8 Most liked news topic distribution along the 10 news organizations.Table 5.9 Most commented‐on news topic distribution along the 10 news organiz...Table 5.10 Ranking of news stories.Table 5.11 References to specific countries in local order, politics, and spo...Table 5.12 References to specific countries in local order, politics, and spo...Table 5.13 Total number of Facebook users by country for the 10 news organiza...

      6 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Statistics on the journalists' Twitter accounts.Table 6.2 Statistics on the journalists' Facebook pages.Table 6.3 Categories of journalists' posts on Twitter.Table 6.4 Categories of journalists' posts on Facebook.Table 6.5 Geographical locations of journalists' social media followers.

      7 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Top 10 retweets in the data set on February 14, 2018.Table 7.2 Most retweeted posts in the data set.Table 7.3 Most dominant topics in the top retweets in the data set.Table 7.4 Top 20 most recurrent words in the Twitter data set.Table 7.5 Top 10 most recurrent phrases in the Twitter data set.Table 7.6 Top 20 most recurrent hashtags in the Twitter data set.Table 7.7 Top 20 most mentioned Twitter users in the data set.Table 7.8 Top 20 most active Twitter users in the data set.

      8 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Selection of the top 100 news apps used in five majority English‐sp...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Frequency of references to countries by the four channels on thei...Figure 2.2 Frequency of references to political actors by the four channels ...

      2 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Timeline distribution of news items referencing fake news in US a...Figure 3.2 Top 100 words in MSM and their associations.Figure 3.3 Top 100 most recurrent words in the text corpus on Twitter and th...Figure 3.4 Frequency of tweets referencing fake news before the 2016 US elec...

      3 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Frequency of tweets referencing #breakingnews and “breaking news....Figure 7.2 Top 100 Twitter users based on the frequency of their tweets.Figure 7.3 Bot likelihood of the top 2000 Twitter users.

      4 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Mobile phone penetration per 100 persons. Numbers arranged as fol...


      1  Cover

      2 Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


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