Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
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where da is an infinitesimal real number and χ an arbitrary but fixed real number. For any value of χ, we can check that the variation of 〈θl |θl〉 is indeed zero (it contains the scalar products 〈θl |θm〉 or 〈θm |θl〉 which are zero), as is the symmetrical variation of 〈θm |θm〉, and that we have:
The variations (65) are therefore acceptable, for any real value of χ.
We now compute how they change the operator
whereas the k = m term yields a similar variation but where
We now include these variations in the three terms of (61); as the distributions f are unchanged, only the terms
As for
We can regroup these two contributions, using the fact that for any operator O(12), it can be shown that:
This equality is simply demonstrated5 by using the definition of the partial trace Tr2 {O(1,2)} of operator O(1, 2) with respect to particle 2. We then get:
Inserting now the expression (68) for
Now, for any operator O(1), we can write:
so that the variation (73) can be expressed as:
The term in eiχ has a similar form, but it does not have to be computed for the following reason. The variation
and the stationarity condition requires
β. Variation of the energies
Let us now see what happens if the energy