Linux Bible. Christopher Negus

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Linux Bible - Christopher Negus

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       Chapter 27, “Using Linux for Cloud Computing,” introduces concepts of cloud computing in Linux by describing how to set up hypervisors, build virtual machines, and share resources across networks.

       Chapter 28, “Deploying Linux to the Cloud,” describes how to deploy Linux images to different cloud environments, including OpenStack, Amazon EC2, or a local Linux system that is configured for virtualization.

       Chapter 29, “Automating Apps and Infrastructure with Ansible,” tells you how to create Ansible playbooks and run ad-hoc Ansible commands to automate the configuration of Linux systems and other devices.

       Chapter 30, “Deploying Applications as Containers with Kubernetes,” describes the Kubernetes project and how it is used to orchestrate container images, with the potential to massively scale up for large data centers.

      Part VII contains two appendixes to help you get the most from your exploration of Linux. Appendix A, “Media,” provides guidance on downloading Linux distributions. Appendix B, “Exercise Answers,” provides sample solutions to the exercises included in Chapters 2 through 30.

      Throughout the book, special typography indicates code and commands. Commands and code are shown in a monospaced font:

       This is how code looks.

      In the event that an example includes both input and output, the monospaced font is still used, but input is presented in bold type to distinguish the two. Here's an example:

       $ ftp Name (home:jake): jake Password: ******

      As for styles in the text:

       New terms and important words appear in italic when introduced.

       Keyboard strokes appear like this: Ctrl+A. This convention indicates to hold the Ctrl key as you also press the "a" key.

       Filenames, URLs, and code within the text appear as follows:

      The following items call your attention to points that are particularly important.


      A Note box provides extra information to which you need to pay special attention.


      A Tip box shows a special way of performing a particular task.


      A Caution box alerts you to take special care when executing a procedure or damage to your computer hardware or software could result.

      If you are new to Linux, you might have vague ideas about what it is and where it came from. You may have heard something about it being free (as in cost) or free (as in freedom to use it as you please). Before you start putting your hands on Linux (which we will do soon enough), Chapter 1 seeks to answer some of your questions about the origins and features of Linux.

      Take your time and work through this book to get up to speed on Linux and how you can make it work to meet your needs. This is your invitation to jump in and take the first step toward becoming a Linux expert!

      Visit the Linux Bible website

      To find links to various Linux distributions, tips on gaining Linux certification, and corrections to the book as they become available, go to

      You can contact Christopher Negus at [email protected].

      If you believe you have found an error in this book, and it is not listed on the book's page at, you can report the issue to our customer technical support team at


       Learning what Linux is

       Learning where Linux came from

       Choosing Linux distributions

       Exploring professional opportunities with Linux

       Becoming certified in Linux

      The operating systems war is over, and Linux has won. Proprietary operating systems simply cannot keep up with the pace of improvements and quality that Linux can achieve with its culture of sharing and innovation. Even Microsoft, whose former CEO Steve Ballmer once referred to Linux as “a cancer,” now says that Linux's use on its Microsoft's Azure cloud computing service has surpassed the use of Windows.

      Linux is one of the most important technological advancements of the twenty-first century. Beyond its impact on the growth of the Internet and its place as an enabling technology for a range of computer-driven devices, Linux development has become a model for how collaborative projects can surpass what single individuals and companies can do alone.

      Google runs thousands upon thousands of Linux servers to power its search technology. Its Android phones are based on Linux. Likewise, when you download and run Google's Chrome OS, you get a browser that is backed by a Linux operating system.

      Facebook builds and deploys its site using what is referred to as a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache web server, MySQL database, and PHP web scripting language)—all open source projects. In fact, Facebook itself uses an open source development model, making source code for the applications and tools that drive Facebook available to the public. This model has helped Facebook shake out bugs quickly, get contributions from around the world, and fuel its exponential growth.

      Financial organizations that have trillions of dollars riding on the speed and security of their operating systems also rely heavily on Linux. These include the New York Stock Exchange, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

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