Linux Bible. Christopher Negus

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Linux Bible - Christopher Negus

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       N=0 while [ $N -lt 10 ] ; do echo -n $N let N=$N+1 done

       N=0 until [ $N -eq 10 ] ; do echo -n $N let N=$N+1 done

      Trying some useful text manipulation programs

      Bash is great and has lots of built-in commands, but it usually needs some help to do anything really useful. Some of the most common useful programs you'll see used are grep, cut, tr, awk, and sed. As with all of the best UNIX tools, most of these programs are designed to work with standard input and standard output, so you can easily use them with pipes and shell scripts.

      The general regular expression parser

      The name general regular expression print (grep) sounds intimidating, but grep is just a way to find patterns in files or text. Think of it as a useful search tool. Gaining expertise with regular expressions is quite a challenge, but after you master it, you can accomplish many useful things with just the simplest forms.

      For example, you can display a list of all regular user accounts by using grep to search for all lines that contain the text /home in the /etc/passwd file as follows:

       $ grep /home /etc/passwd

      Or you could find all environment variables that begin with HO using the following command:

       $ env | grep ^HO


      The ^ in the preceding code is the actual caret character, ^, not what you'll commonly see for a backspace, ^H. Type ^, H, and O (the uppercase letter) to see what items start with the uppercase characters HO.

      To find a list of options to use with the grep command, type man grep.

      Remove sections of lines of text (cut)

      The cut command can extract fields from a line of text or from files. It is very useful for parsing system configuration files into easy-to-digest chunks. You can specify the field separator you want to use and the fields you want, or you can break up a line based on bytes.

       $ grep /home /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f6 - /home/chris /home/joe

      Translate or delete characters (tr)

      The tr command is a character-based translator that can be used to replace one character or set of characters with another or to remove a character from a line of text.

      The following example translates all uppercase letters to lowercase letters and displays the words mixed upper and lower case as a result:

       $ FOO="Mixed UPpEr aNd LoWeR cAsE" $ echo $FOO | tr [A-Z] [a-z] mixed upper and lower case

      In the next example, the tr command is used on a list of filenames to rename any files in that list so that any tabs or spaces (as indicated by the [:blank:] option) contained in a filename are translated into underscores. Try running the following code in a test directory:

       for file in * ; do f=`echo $file | tr [:blank:] [_]` [ "$file" = "$f" ] || mv -i -- "$file" "$f" done

      The stream editor (sed)

      The sed command is a simple scriptable editor, so it can perform only simple edits, such as removing lines that have text matching a certain pattern, replacing one pattern of characters with another, and so on. To get a better idea of how sed scripts work, there's no substitute for the online documentation, but here are some examples of common uses.

      You can use the sed command essentially to do what I did earlier with the grep example: search the /etc/passwd file for the word home. Here the sed command searches the entire /etc/passwd file, searches for the word home, and prints any line containing the word home:

       $ sed -n '/home/p' /etc/passwd chris:x:1000:1000:Chris Negus:/home/chris:/bin/bash joe:x:1001:1001:Joe Smith:/home/joe:/bin/bash

      In this next example, sed searches the file somefile.txt and replaces every instance of the string Mac with Linux. Notice that the letter g is needed at the end of the substitution command to cause every occurrence of Mac on each line to be changed to Linux. (Otherwise, only the first instance of Mac on each line is changed.) The output is then sent to the fixed_file.txt file. The output from sed goes to stdout, so this command redirects the output to a file for safekeeping.

       $ sed 's/Mac/Linux/g' somefile.txt > fixed_file.txt

       $ cat somefile.txt | sed 's/Mac/Linux/g' > fixed_file.txt

      By searching for a pattern and replacing it with a null pattern, you delete the original pattern. This example searches the contents of the somefile.txt file and replaces extra blank spaces at the end of each line (s/ *$) with nothing (//). Results go to the fixed_file.txt file.

       $ cat somefile.txt | sed 's/ *$//' > fixed_file.txt

      Using simple shell scripts

      Sometimes, the simplest of scripts can be the most useful. If you type the same sequence of commands repetitively, it makes sense to store those commands (once!) in a file. The following sections offer a couple of simple, but useful, shell scripts.

      Telephone list

      This idea has been handed down from generation to generation of old UNIX hacks. It's really quite simple, but it employs several of the concepts just introduced.

       #!/bin/bash # (@)/ph # A very simple telephone list # Type "ph new name number" to add to the list, or # just type "ph name" to get a phone number PHONELIST=~/.phonelist.txt # If no command line parameters ($#), there # is a problem, so ask what they're talking about. if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then echo "Whose phone number did you want? " exit 1 fi # Did you want to add a new phone number? if [ $1 = "new" ] ; then shift echo $*>>

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