G Suite For Dummies. Paul McFedries
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4 Chapter 4FIGURE 4-1: Contacts: Your G Suite address book.FIGURE 4-2: Use the Change Column Order dialog box to customize your contacts l...FIGURE 4-3: You can add multiple email addresses to a contact.FIGURE 4-4: In Gmail, hover the mouse over a message sender or recipient and th...FIGURE 4-5: Click Add to Contacts to transform an “other” contact into a “real”...FIGURE 4-6: Use the Import Contacts dialog box to choose the CSV file you want ...FIGURE 4-7: From the Contact Details dialog box, click Edit Contact.FIGURE 4-8: Use the Edit Contact dialog box to make your changes.FIGURE 4-9: Use the Create Label dialog box to make up a label.FIGURE 4-10: You can apply a label to multiple contacts all at once.FIGURE 4-11: If you have duplicate contacts, they appear in the Merge Duplicate...FIGURE 4-12: Use the Export Contacts dialog box to choose what to export and th...FIGURE 4-13: Click the Send Email icon to send a message to the selected contac...FIGURE 4-14: A contact with multiple email addresses.
5 Chapter 5FIGURE 5-1: Choose Docs from the Google Apps menu.FIGURE 5-2: The home page is your Docs starting point.FIGURE 5-3: A typical document and the Docs features that surround it.FIGURE 5-4: After you name your new document, Docs saves it for the first time.FIGURE 5-5: When the save is complete, Docs lets you know that all is well.FIGURE 5-6: Use the Open a File dialog box to choose which document you want to...FIGURE 5-7: Use the Copy Document dialog box to clone an existing document.FIGURE 5-8: Use the Insert Special Characters dialog box to add silly symbols t...FIGURE 5-9: Yep, you can draw the character you want and Docs locates it based ...FIGURE 5-10: Some tab-stop examples.FIGURE 5-11: Use the Find text box to tell Docs what you're looking for.FIGURE 5-12: Docs underlines in red those words it thinks are spelling lapses.FIGURE 5-13: Docs underlines in blue those words or phrases it thinks are gramm...
6 Chapter 6FIGURE 6-1: Some typeface examples.FIGURE 6-2: Docs lets you change the relative position of characters to produce...FIGURE 6-3: Use the Fonts dialog box to choose from hundreds of choices from Go...FIGURE 6-4: Some paragraph alignment examples.FIGURE 6-5: Line spacing values that are too small (left), too large (right), a...FIGURE 6-6: Use the Custom Spacing dialog box to set your own line spacing valu...FIGURE 6-7: Use the Indentation Options dialog box to set up a custom indentati...FIGURE 6-8: You can set the left, right, and first-line indents by using the ru...FIGURE 6-9: The easiest way to apply most default styles is via the Styles list...FIGURE 6-10: An example of a default, multilevel numbered list.FIGURE 6-11: Select Numbered List to see the available numbering schemes.FIGURE 6-12: An example of a default, multilevel bulleted list.FIGURE 6-13: Click Bulleted List to see the available bullet schemes.FIGURE 6-14: Sensibly, Docs needs permission to use your computer's camera.FIGURE 6-15: Select an image and then click Image Options on the toolbar to see...
7 Chapter 7FIGURE 7-1: A table in a Docs document.FIGURE 7-2: Use this grid to set the initial number of rows and columns in your...FIGURE 7-3: You can set a column's width by dragging its Column marker on the r...FIGURE 7-4: You can format various table settings in the Table Properties dialo...FIGURE 7-5: Running the Header command opens the Header section for editing.FIGURE 7-6: Use the Page Numbers dialog box to set up page numbers for your hea...FIGURE 7-7: Running the Footer command opens the Footer section.FIGURE 7-8: Select Different Odd & Even to work with unique odd and even page h...FIGURE 7-9: Use the Page Setup dialog box to set margin sizes.FIGURE 7-10: Drag the margin markers to adjust the left and right margins.FIGURE 7-11: The layout of the Page Setup dialog box changes when you add a sec...FIGURE 7-12: A document with text finagled into two columns.FIGURE 7-13: Select the Columns command, and then choose how many columns you w...FIGURE 7-14: The Column Options dialog box gives you a few extra column-related...FIGURE 7-15: A document with a footnote.
8 Chapter 8FIGURE 8-1: Choose Sheets on the Google Apps menu.FIGURE 8-2: The home page is your Sheets launching point.FIGURE 8-3: A blank spreadsheet and the Sheets features that surround it.FIGURE 8-4: The range A1:C4.FIGURE 8-5: If a text box requires a range input, it also displays the Select D...FIGURE 8-6: With the Select a Data Range dialog box onscreen, use the mouse or ...FIGURE 8-7: Sheets replaces hidden columns with arrows.
9 Chapter 9FIGURE 9-1: A simple formula that calculates the difference between two values.FIGURE 9-2: With relative referencing, Sheets adjusts cell references automatic...FIGURE 9-3: This sheet calculates the Principal amount for two different down p...FIGURE 9-4: Copying the formula in cell B6 causes the revised formula in cell C...FIGURE 9-5: When you anchor the House Price value using an absolute cell refere...FIGURE 9-6: After you type the left parenthesis, Sheets displays a banner with ...FIGURE 9-7: The result of the FV function.FIGURE 9-8: You can sort a range using multiple columns.FIGURE 9-9: For each column, Filter adds an icon that opens the list of that co...FIGURE 9-10: The elements of a Sheets chart.FIGURE 9-11: A chart created from a range with more columns than rows.FIGURE 9-12: A chart created from a range with more rows than columns.FIGURE 9-13: Use the Chart Editor to set up your new chart.FIGURE 9-14: Click the More Options button to make changes to the chart.FIGURE 9-15: Some great data, but how do you make sense of it?FIGURE 9-16: The pivot table creates order out of data chaos.FIGURE 9-17: The features of a typical pivot table.FIGURE 9-18: You start with a blank pivot table and the Pivot Table Editor pane...FIGURE 9-19: A pivot table built from the data in Figure 9-15.FIGURE 9-20: Use the Grouping Rule dialog box to specify the numeric ranges you...
10 Chapter 10FIGURE 10-1: Choose Slides on the Google Apps menu.FIGURE 10-2: The home page is your Slides launching point.FIGURE 10-3: A typical presentation and the Slides features that surround it.FIGURE 10-4: When you start a new presentation, Slides asks you to choose a the...FIGURE 10-5: Each theme comes with its own Master slide, which acts as a design...FIGURE 10-6: In the Motion pane, use the Slide Transition controls to apply a b...FIGURE 10-7: Click the slide show to view the toolbar and its navigation contro...
11 Chapter 11FIGURE 11-1: In Drive, select the file and then click Share.FIGURE 11-2: To give your collaborators Editor permission, make sure the Editor...FIGURE 11-3: Use the Get Link dialog box to select the permission level you wan...FIGURE 11-4: Use the Access Expires list to set when the user's sharing access ...FIGURE 11-5: The sharing invitation email tells you your access level and offer...FIGURE 11-6: Open Drive's Shared with Me folder to see every file that people h...FIGURE 11-7: The app displays an icon for each person who currently has the fil...FIGURE 11-8: Click a user's icon to see details for that user.FIGURE 11-9: Docs displays a pin for each user and adds the person's name to th...FIGURE 11-10: Sheets adds a border around the user's active cell. Hover the mou...FIGURE 11-11: Click the Editing Mode button and then select Suggesting to switc...FIGURE 11-12: A comment, ready to be added to a document.FIGURE 11-13: A comment, ready to be added to a document.FIGURE 11-14: Click the Show Chat icon to start a chat with your collaborators.FIGURE 11-15: Use the Activity Dashboard to see sharing data and trends for the...FIGURE 11-16: When you move to a suggestion, Docs displays the edit info and th...FIGURE 11-17: When you're done with a comment or comment thread, click Resolve ...
12 Chapter 12FIGURE 12-1: Start typing a guest's name and Calendar displays a list of folks ...FIGURE 12-2: Open an existing meeting for editing and use the Guests section to...FIGURE 12-3: You can mark a guest as optional or remove the guest altogether.FIGURE 12-4: Click See Guest Availability to peruse a calendar that shows the s...FIGURE 12-5: Click Suggested Times to see a list of meeting times when all your...FIGURE 12-6: In the Inbox, use the invitation's RSVP list to choose your respon...FIGURE 12-7: Open the invitation and then choose your response.FIGURE 12-8: Use the Access Permissions section to control sharing access to yo...FIGURE 12-9: Folks with whom you've shared your calendar appear in the Share wi...FIGURE 12-10: Calendar, subscribed to a couple of shared calendars.
13 Chapter