Beekeeping For Dummies. Howland Blackiston

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Beekeeping For Dummies - Howland  Blackiston

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the History of Honey Understanding the Composition of Honey Healing with Honey Choosing Extracted, Comb, Chunk, or Whipped Honey Taking the Terror out of Terroir The Commercialization of Honey Appreciating the Culinary Side of Honey Pairing Honey with Food Infusing Honey with Flavors Judging Honey Honey Trivia Chapter 16: Getting Ready for the Golden Harvest Having Realistic Expectations What Flavor Do You Want? Assembling the Right Equipment to Extract Honey Planning Your Extracted Honey Harvest Setup Gathering Comb Honey Equipment Branding and Selling Your Honey Chapter 17: Honey Harvest Day Knowing When to Harvest Getting the Bees out of the Honey Supers Honey Extraction from a Langstroth Frame Harvesting Honey from Your Top Bar Hive Harvesting Wax

      8  Part 6: The Part of Tens Chapter 18: More than Ten Fun Things to Do with Bees Making Two Langstroth Hives from One Making One Langstroth Hive from Two Dividing a Top Bar Hive into Two Colonies Combining Two Top Bar Hive Colonies Building an Elevated Hive Stand Planting Flowers for Your Bees Brewing Mead: The Nectar of the Gods Create Cool Stuff with Propolis Making Gifts from Beeswax Beauty and the Bees Chapter 19: More than Ten Frequently Asked Questions about Bee Behavior Chapter 20: My Ten Favorite Honey Recipes

      9  Part 7: Appendixes Appendix A: Helpful Resources Honey Bee Information Websites Bee Organizations and Conferences The Western Apiculture Society Bee Journals and Magazines Beekeeping Supplies and Equipment Western Bee Supplies State Bee Inspectors (United States) Appendix B: Beekeeper’s Checklist Appendix C: Glossary

      10  Index

      11  About the Author

      12  Supplemental Images

      13  Connect with Dummies

      14  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 4TABLE 4-1 Hive Checklist — Which Hive Meets Your Needs?

      2 Chapter 6TABLE 6-1 Characteristics of Various Common Honey Bee Types

      3 Chapter 9TABLE 9-1 Beekeeping Calendar

      4 Chapter 11TABLE 11-1 Pollination Experiments

      5 Chapter 12TABLE 12-1 Honey-Bee Health at a Glance

      6 Chapter 13TABLE 13-1 Solutions to Common Pest Problems

      7 Chapter 17TABLE 17-1 Estimating Honey Yields

      8 Chapter 18TABLE 18-1 Building Materials for Elevated Hive StandTABLE 18-2 Hive Stand Cut-and-Assemble Instructions

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 2FIGURE 2-1: This is how a honey bee looks if you shave off all the hairs. Sever...FIGURE 2-2: Comparing the heads of worker, drone, and queen bees. Note the work...FIGURE 2-3: In this close-up image of a worker bee’s leg, you can clearly see t...FIGURE 2-4: The round dance (top) and the waggle dance (bottom). FIGURE 2-5: These are the three types of bees in the hive: worker, drone, and q...FIGURE 2-6: A queen and her attentive attendants. FIGURE 2-7: This worker bee fans her wings while exposing her Nasonov gland to ...FIGURE 2-8: This bee’s pollen baskets are filled. She can visit ten flowers eve...FIGURE 2-9: Note the rice-like shape of the eggs and how the queen has position...FIGURE 2-10: A single egg. FIGURE 2-11: These magnifying goggles (used by watchmakers and model makers) ar...FIGURE 2-12: Beautiful, pearly white little larvae curled up in their cells. FIGURE 2-13: Opened cells reveal an egg and developing pupae. FIGURE 2-14: This chart shows the daily

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