Equity Markets, Valuation, and Analysis. H. Kent Baker

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Equity Markets, Valuation, and Analysis - H. Kent Baker

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to equalize each twin to a predetermined ratio via complex agreements, but the market of dual-listed company stocks exhibits mispricings from theoretical parity. Tracking stock is a less popular, arcane form of common stock of a corporation whose value theoretically targets the financial performance of only a subunit of the corporation.

      Finally, dual-class common equity structures are a prevalent form of stock in which different voting arrangements offer certain shareholders superior voting rights. A wedge separates a shareholder's control from that owner's capital at risk. Dual-class common stock can permit overall control of the corporation without a controlling stake in the economic value of the enterprise.

      1 Compare and contrast depositary receipts and cross-listed stocks.

      2 Discuss the benefits and drawbacks for investors in tracking stocks.

      3 Explain the three types of dual-listed company structures.

      4 Identify what motivates companies to offer dual-class equity structures.

      1 Bainbridge, Stephen. 1991. “The Short Life and Resurrection of SEC Rule 19C-4.” Washington University Law Review 69:2, 565−634.

      2 Baker, H. Kent, John Nofsinger, and Daniel Weaver. 2002. “International Cross-Listing and Visibility.” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 37:3, 495−521.

      3 Bebchuk, Lucian, and Kobi Kastiel. 2017. “The Untenable Case for Perpetual Dual-Class Stock.” Virginia Law Review 103:4, 585−631.

      4 Berger, David. 2019. “Why Dual-class Stock? A Response to CII's Petition to NASDAQ for Mandatory Sunset Provisions.” Available at https://clsbluesky.files.wordpress.com/2019/03/here¨pdf

      5 Billett, Matthew, and David Mauer. 2000. “Diversification and the Value of Internal Capital Markets: The Case of Tracking Stock.” Journal of Banking and Finance 24:9, 1457−1490.

      6 Burkart, Mike, and Samuel Lee. 2008. “One Share – One Vote: The Theory.” Review of Finance 12:1, 1−49.

      7 Chemmanur, Thomas, and Imants Paeglis. 2005. “Why Issue Tracking Stock? Insights from a Comparison with Spin-Offs and Carve-Outs.” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 14:2, 102−114.

      8 Citi. 2019. “American Depositary Receipts (ADRs): A Primer.” Available at https://depositaryreceipts.citi.com/adr/common/file.aspx?idf=1248.

      9 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton. 2003. “Cross Border Mergers: The Cases for and against Dual Headed Structures.” European M&A Report, October, 3−7.

      10 Condon, Zoe. 2018. “A Snapshot of Dual-Class Share Structures in the Twenty-First Century: A Solution to Reconcile Shareholder Protections with Founder Autonomy.” Emory Law Journal 68:2, 336–367. Available at http://law.emory.edu/elj/content/volume-68/issue-2/comments/dual-class-twenty-first-solution-protections-autonomy.html.

      11 Council of Institutional Investors. 2019. “Dual-class Companies List.” Available at https://cii.membershipsoftware.org/files/June%202019%20Dual%20Class%20List%20Upgrade%20w%20Lucy%20edits(2).pdf.

      12 Danielova, Anna. 2008. “Tracking Stock or Spin-Off? Determinants of Choice.” Financial Management 37:1, 125−139.

      13 De Jong, Abe, Leonard Rosenthal, and Mathijs van Dijk. 2009. “The Risk and Return of Arbitrage in Dual-Listed Companies.” Review of Finance 13:3:, 495−520.

      14 Discovery, Inc. 2019. Form 10-K 2018. Available at https://ir.corporate.discovery.com/static-files/cdeb0ba2-e0a0-4f70-a74d-4b8f54d30f81.

      15 Doidge, Craig, G. Andrew Karolyi, and René Stulz. 2010. “Why Do Foreign Firms Leave U.S. Equity Markets?” Journal of Finance 65:4, 1507−1553.

      16 Dobbs, Richard, and Marc Goedhart. 2008. “Why Cross-listing Shares Doesn't Create Value.” McKinsey on Finance, November. Available at https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/why-cross-listing-shares-doesnt-create-value.

      17 Elliott Associates. 2017. “Elliott Sends Letter and Presentation to Directors of BHP Billiton Outlining Shareholder Value Unlock Plan.” Available at https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/elliott-sends-letter-and-presentation-to-the-directors-of-bhp-billiton-outlining-shareholder-value-unlock-plan-618784104.html.

      18 FactSet Data Systems. 2019. “FactSet Workstation.”

      19 Foerster, Stephen, and G. Andrew Karolyi. 1999. “The Effects of Market Segmentation and Investor Recognition on Asset Prices: Evidence from Foreign Stocks Listing in the United States.” Journal of Finance 54:3, 981−1013.

      20 Froot, Kenneth, and Emil Dabora. 1999. “How Are Stock Prices Affected by the Location of Trade?” Journal of Financial Economics 53:2, 189−216.

      21 FTI Consulting. 2018. “Value Release from Unification at BHP.” Available at https://www.fixingbhp.com/content/uploads/2018/03/FTI-Value-Release-from-Unification-at-BHP-Final.pdf.

      22 Govindarajan, Vijay, and Anup Srivastava. 2018. “Reexamining Dual-Class Stock.” Business Horizons 61:3, 461−466.

      23 Hancock, Stephen, Maryse Gray, and Cécile Sommelet. 2002. “Dual-Headed Structures Revisited.” Global Counsel. Available at https://uk.practicallaw.thomsonreuters.com/6-101-7959?

      24 Harper, Joel, and Jeff Madura. 2002. “Sources of Hidden Value and Risk within Tracking Stock.” Financial Management 31:3, 91−109.

      25 Haas, Jeffrey. 1996. “Directorial Fiduciary Duties in a Tracking Stock Equity Structure: The Need for a Duty of Fairness.” Michigan Law Review 94:7, 2089−2177.

      26 Haas, Jeffrey. 1999. “How Quantum, DLJ and Ziff-Davis Are Keeping on Track with ‘Tracking Stock’: Part I.” Working Paper, New York Law School. Available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=223633.

      27 JPMorgan. 2008. “Depositary Receipts: Reference Guide.”

      28 Kim, Hyunseob, and Roni Michaely. 2019. “Sticking around Too Long?: Dynamics of the Benefits of Dual-Class Voting.” Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper Series 19:9.

      29 Logue,

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