Introduction to Ore-Forming Processes. Laurence Robb
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5 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Simplified scheme on the basis of ionic potential (ionic charge/i...Figure 4.2 (a) The solubility of Si and Al as a function of pH.(b) The s...Figure 4.3 (a) A generalized lateritic regolith profile showing the differen...Figure 4.4 Eh–pH diagram showing conditions relevant to the formation of lat...Figure 4.1.1 Schematic profile through the Los Pijiguaos bauxite deposit sho...Figure 4.1.2 Photograph of typical bauxitic ore at Los Pijiguaos (white rod ...Figure 4.1.3 Ternary Al2O3–SiO2–Fe2O3 plot showing the residual increase in ...Figure 4.5 Descriptive profile and Ni distribution in a lateritic regolith t...Figure 4.6 A model for the evolution of Ni laterite deposits. (a) Developmen...Figure 4.7 The nature and characteristics of gold and silver redistribution ...Figure 4.8 Eh–pH diagram showing the characteristics of a lateritic profile ...Figure 4.9 The effect of rainfall on clay mineral formation in (a) felsic an...Figure 4.10 Representation of the stages during the progressive weathering ...Figure 4.11 Strongly kaolinitized granite at Treviscoe in Cornwall, being hy...Figure 4.12 Experimental data for smectite clay that illustrates (a) the rel...Figure 4.13 Experimental data for Eu adsorption onto kaolinite showing that ...Figure 4.14 Simplified classification scheme for calcretes and a summary of ...Figure 4.15 (a) Geological setting of the Yeelirrie carnotite deposit hosted...Figure 4.16 Schematic section through a copper deposit showing the typical p...Figure 4.17 (a) Illustration of the stable mineral assemblages modeled as a ...Figure 4.18 Eh–pH diagram showing the stability fields of selected copper mi...Figure 4.2.1 (a) Cross section through the Chuquicamata mine showing the dis...Figure 4.2.2 Supergene profile exposed in the south wall of the Chino (Santa...
6 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Results of a flume experiment simulating (a) fluid flow at the co...Figure 5.2 (a) Schematic illustration, using streamlines, of the nature of l...Figure 5.3 Illustration of the different mechanisms of sediment transport in...Figure 5.4 A Hjulström diagram showing how sedimentary processes can be asse...Figure 5.5 Illustration showing the principle of hydraulic equivalence for p...Figure 5.6 (a) Shields diagram showing the threshold conditions between entr...Figure 5.7 Quartz grain size and magnetite concentrations in a shear sorted ...Figure 5.8 (a) Computer simulation showing the effects of transport sorting ...Figure 5.9 Heavy mineral sorting processes at various scales and in differen...Figure 5.1.1 Map showing the Orange River drainage system in relation to the...Figure 5.1.2 Map showing the distribution of gravel terraces in the vicinity...Figure 5.1.3 Diamondiferous gravels related to the paleo‐Orange River draina...Figure 5.10 (a) Factors controlling the nature of wave dominated beaches and...Figure 5.11 (a) Plot showing the changes in heavy mineral contents along a p...Figure 5.12 Wind blown (eolian) sediment transport characteristics as a func...Figure 5.13 (a) Geometry and flow characteristics of a braided fan delta com...Figure 5.14 The development of limonitic concentrations in the formation of ...Figure 5.15 Simplified environmental model for the formation of oolitic iron...Figure 5.16 Tectonic and environmental model showing the depositional settin...Figure 5.17 (a) Eh–pH diagram showing the stabilities of common iron mineral...Figure 5.18 Episodic occurrences of VMS and iron deposits (BIF and GIF in da...Figure 5.19 Models illustrating different scenarios in which the upwelling a...Figure 5.2.1 Simplified geology and location of some of the major iron ore d...Figure 5.2.2 Simplified cross section through the Mount Whaleback iron ore d...Figure 5.20 (a) Depth-concentration profiles for Fe and Mn in the Black Sea....Figure 5.21 Map showing sub‐equatorial zones of base metal enriched manganes...Figure 5.22 Estimates of apatite solubility in sea water (expressed in terms...Figure 5.23 (a) Generalized correlations between the development of phosphat...Figure 5.24 (a) Map showing the distribution of phosphate‐rich sediments alo...Figure 5.25 (a) Plots of sulfur, molybdenum, and uranium versus carbon conte...Figure 5.26 (a) Schematic cross section showing the important features neces...Figure 5.3.1 Stratigraphic profile through the Boulby Mine and an enlarged s...Figure 5.3.2 Aerial view of the evaporation ponds on the Salar de Atacama, C...Figure 5.3.3 Distribution of the Li content of subsurface brines in the Sala...Figure 5.3.4 Schematic diagram showing the important features that character...Figure 5.27 Simplified scheme illustrating the formation of oil, gas, and co...Figure 5.28 Summary of the stages and processes involved in the transformati...Figure 5.29 Graph showing the relationships between temperature and time wit...Figure 5.30 Classification scheme for kerogen types based on the hydrogen in...Figure 5.31 Maturity curves showing (a) the cumulative generation of oil typ...Figure 5.32 Explanation of oil‐phase primary migration. (a) “Water saturated...Figure 5.33 (a) Actual measurements of excess hydrostatic pressures (i.e. ov...Figure 5.34 Schematic geological scenarios for hydrocarbon trap sites. (a) S...Figure 5.35 Examples of structural traps for petroleum. (a) Cross section th...Figure 5.36 (a) Location of the East Texas oil field in the context of the p...Figure 5.4.1 Location and distribution of some of the major oil and gas fiel...Figure 5.4.2 Interpretations of the evolving sedimentary environment in the ...Figure 5.37 Bituminous coal seam from the Witbank area, South Africa, hosted...Figure 5.38 Generalized scheme illustrating the nature of peat stratigraphy ...Figure 5.39 Ternary C–H–O plot showing the compositional trend accompanying ...Figure 5.40 Environmental model for peat accumulation, showing the evolution...Figure 5.41 Map showing the outcrop of the Eagle Ford Formation and its prog...Figure 5.42 (a) Phase diagram illustrating the regions of methane hydrate st...
7 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Distribution of ore deposit styles, classified according to orog...Figure 6.2 Temporal distribution of ore deposit types as function of the as...Figure 6.3 (a) Histogram showing peaks of detrital zircon ages over time and...Figure 6.4 Schematic diagram showing the timing of amalgamation and dispersa...Figure 6.5 Reconstructions of the mainly Paleoproterozoic supercontinent Nun...Figure 6.6 (a) Reconstruction of Rodinia at 750 Ma, prior to the onset of br...Figure 6.7 (a) Continental paleogeography in the late Devonian Period, at 37...Figure 6.8 Estimated rise of atmospheric oxygen over the past 3.8 Gyr on the...Figure 6.9 Schematic diagram showing the decline in global heat production ...Figure 6.10 Model for the secular evolution of the lithosphere as a functio...Figure 6.11 Pattern of supercontinent cycles, reflecting Pangean assembly a...Figure 6.12 (a) Early stage of Archean crustal evolution, termed intra‐ocean...Figure 6.13 The paleogeographic patterns of Gondwanan and Pangean dispersal...Figure 6.14 Occurrences (in terms of relative abundances) of a variety of d...Figure 6.15 Simplified illustrations of the major extensional tectonic sett...Figure 6.16 Simplified illustrations of the major compressional tectonic se...
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