Analysis and Control of Electric Drives. Ned Mohan

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Analysis and Control of Electric Drives - Ned  Mohan

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the net torque TJ = TemTL and the equivalent combined inertia is Jeq = JM + JL.


      Using the results of Example 2-2, the combined inertia of the system is


      The angular acceleration is

equation equation

Schematic illustrations of (a and b) motor and load torque interaction with a rigid coupling.

      Equation (2-23) shows that the net torque is the quantity that causes acceleration, which in turn leads to changes in speed and position. Integrating the acceleration α(t) with respect to time,

      EXAMPLE 2‐4

      Consider that the rotating system shown in Fig. 2-7a, with the combined inertia Jeq = 2 × 0.029 = 0.058 kg ⋅ m2, is required to have the angular speed profile shown in Fig. 2-1b. The load torque is zero. Calculate and plot, as functions of time, the electromagnetic torque required from the motor, and the change in position.


      In the plot of Fig. 2-2b, the magnitude of the acceleration and the deceleration is 100 rad/s2. During the intervals of acceleration and deceleration, since TL = 0,


      During intervals with a constant speed, no torque is required. Since the position θ is the time‐integral of speed, the resulting change of position (assuming that the initial position is zero) is also plotted in Fig. 2-8.

Schematic illustration of the speed, torque, and angle variations with time.


Schematic illustration of the definition of torque, work, and power.

      If this differential rotation takes place in a differential time dt, the power can be expressed as

      This stored kinetic energy can be recovered by making the power p(t) reverse direction, that is, by making p(t) negative.

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