China Goes Green. Judith Shapiro
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3 Map
5 Introduction: The Rise of Authoritarian Environmentalism Ecological Civilization as Political Philosophy A Global Call to Action What is State-led Environmentalism? Authoritarianism in Green Clothing Towards Mutually Agreed-upon Coercion
6 1 Asserting “Green” Control: The State and its Subjects Campaigns and Crackdowns Environmental Campaigns Justifications and Risks Target-setting Targets Gone Awry Behavior Modification Environmentalism at a Price Notes
7 2 “Green” China Pacifies its Borders One-size-fits-all Policymaking Afforestation by Monoculture The Loess Plateau as an Unscalable Success The Industrialized Forest of Uxin Banner Green Grabbing: Hydropower as Ecological Civilization and Modernization Green Grabbing as a Tool of Government Control Citizen Resistance: The Nu River and Tiger Leaping Gorge Ecological Migration: Sedentarizing Nomads and Building Parks Protected Areas and National Parks Pacifying Borderlands in the Name of the Environment
8 3 The State on the “Green” Belt and Road The Belt and Road Initiative and the Environment Win-win Green Development The Quest for Soft Power Green Technocracy A Morass of Contradictions
9 4 Global China Goes “Green” Mastering the Trade Game Banning Global Waste Imports Withholding Rare Earths Curbing the Endangered Species Trade Engineering China’s Atmosphere Blue Skies or Bust Constructing “Sky River”: Weather Modification on the Tibetan Plateau Outer Space Environmentalism: The Digital Belt and Road Geoengineering the Earth’s Climate Mining the Moon The Sleeping Lion Awakes
10 5 Environmental Authoritarianism on a Troubled Planet Environmental Fix Authoritarian Resilience Techno-political Underpinnings Transactional Logic Indispensable Civil Society Consultation under State Leadership
11 References
12 Index
1 Cover