Augmented Reality. Mark Pesce
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Augmented Reality
Unboxing Tech’s Next Big Thing
Mark Pesce
Copyright page
Copyright © Mark Pesce 2021
The right of Mark Pesce to be identified as Author of this Work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
First published in 2021 by Polity Press
Polity Press
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All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purpose of criticism and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.
ISBN-13: 978-1-5095-4093-8
ISBN-13: 978-1-5095-4094-5 (pb)
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
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Augmented Reality had its genesis in Mark Zuckerberg’s 2017 F8 keynote, recounted at length in chapter 5. As the implications of Zuckerberg’s assertion of Facebook’s “right to write” became clearer, together with the first reports of Cambridge Analytica’s use of Facebook’s data set to manipulate election outcomes, and the reports in The Australian about the targeting of emotionally vulnerable teenagers, I formulated a thesis about the shape of things to come. Reaching out to my friend and Meanjin editor-in-chief Jonathan Green, he quickly commissioned “The Last Days of Reality” for Meanjin’s Summer 2017 issue. That essay represented a first pass at the ideas explored at length in this book, and I am grateful for the opportunity that he provided me.
Although I had given some thought to expanding that title to book length, my efforts proved unsuccessful until I received an unexpected email from Mary Savigar at Polity. Mary would go on to become the commissioning editor for Augmented Reality. Although I took my time with the drafting, submission, re-drafting, and resubmission of the proposal for this book, Mary was unfailingly patient, supportive, and insightful; this book owes everything to her persistence.
My friend and colleague in the Media and Communications Department at the University of Sydney, Dr. Fiona Martin, gave me several opportunities to give lectures on the topics explored in this book, helping me to better understand my own themes and how to express them clearly to a lay audience. Fiona was also instrumental in convincing me that this book needed to be written for Polity – and for all of this she has my sincerest gratitude.
Huge appreciation for the folks at Toby’s, who kept me well fed and caffeinated during my many breakfast writing sessions.
To everyone else who encouraged, supported, supplied, and refined (you know who you are), my sincerest thanks.
I alone am responsible for any errors that may have found their way into this text.
Introduction: A Riot in Rhodes
On the evening of July 12, 2016, a large crowd gathered at Peg Paterson Park. Very little distinguishes that park – located in Rhodes, New South Wales – from any of the others threaded among