A Psychological Perspective Of The Health Personnel In Times Of Pandemic. Juan Moisés De La Serna

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A Psychological Perspective Of The Health Personnel In Times Of Pandemic - Juan Moisés De La Serna

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of infected and deceased has been increasing, so much so that Spain has become considered one of the main sources of contagion after China and Italy.

       Being March 14 when the state of alarm was decreed and with it the confinement of the majority of the population in their homes, being exempt from this measure the essential personnel, including the bodies and security forces, those involved in the supply or the cleaning of the city, and of course, the health personnel.

       They had to see how their family had to remain confined in the houses while they had to go to work daily where they did not know if they could be infected and thus expose their family to contagion. Several measures adopted, such as confinement, have served to slow down the evolution in terms of the number of new infections, which has made it possible in many localities to prevent the collapse of the health system (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, 2020) (see Illustration 10).

      To exemplify this reality that is being experienced by health professionals in this fight against the consequences of COVID-19, below I transcribe an invaluable document from my point of view, since it has been the testimony of a professional who in mode of “War Report” in his own words has been collecting the day to day of how health Imageprofessionals have had to deal with this pandemic.

      Illustration 10 Evolution of the Curve in Spain

      A text written by Mr. Juan Abarca Cidon, doctor in Medicine and Surgery from the San Pablo-CEU University, currently serving as President of HM Hospitals and its CEO, in addition to being the president of the IDIS by its initials in Spanish, (Foundation (Institute for Development and Integration of Health); and the vice president of the Spanish Association of Health Law; who has also been a member of the permanent commission of the Advisory Council of the Ministry of Health for seven years.

      Thus, day by day he has been publishing and sharing this experience through social networks to make known the reality of the struggle of health professionals from a unique perspective.

      A document that I share with the author’s authorization and that reflects the evolution of the pandemic and its effects on both, patients and healthcare personnel.

       The following publications have been extracted for their representativeness and are presented in an orderly way by dates as Dr. Juan Abarca Cidon has written them (Abarca Cidon, 2020g, 2020c, 2020j, 2020l, 2020k, 2020b, 2020m, 2020a, 2020i, 2020d, 2020h, 2020e, 2020f).

      Illustration 11 LinkedIn Report of the war against the coronavirus in HM in Madrid on March 11, 2020¡Error! Marcador no definido.

      Illustration 12 LinkedIn Report of the war against coronavirus in HM hospitals on March 12. LinkedIn4¡Error! Marcador no definido.

      Illustration 13 LinkedIn Good morning on Sunday March 15¡Error! Marcador no definido.

      Illustration 14 LinkedIn One more day in the war against the CV in HM. Possibly, today 03-17¡Error! Marcador no definido.

      Illustration 15 LinkedIn Good morning. We continue with our chronicles of the war against the CV in HM Hospitals¡Error! Marcador no definido.

      Illustration 16 LinkedIn Report of the war against the CV of Monday 23-03…¡Error! Marcador no definido.

      Illustration 17 LinkedIn Report of the war against the CV of March 25 in HM Hospitals¡Error! Marcador no definido.

      Illustration 18 LinkedIn Report of the war against the CV of 03-27

      Illustration 19 LinkedIn Report of the war against the CV of HM Hospitals from 1-04…………………………………………………………………… 50

       Illustration 20 LinkedIn Report of the war against the CV of 04/07 at HM Hospitals.51

      Illustration 21 LinkedIn Report of the war against the CV in HMHospitals from 04-12¡Error! Marcador no definido.

      Illustration 22 LinkedIn Report of the war of HM Hospitals against the CV of 04-13¡Error! Marcador no definido.

      Illustration 23 LinkedIn Report of the war against the CV at HM Hospitals from 04-16 ………………………………………………………………. ¡Error! Marcador no definido.


      Illustration 11 LinkedIn Report of the war against the coronavirus in HM in Madrid on March 11, 2020


      Illustration 12 LinkedIn Report of the war against coronavirus in HM hospitals on March 12. LinkedIn


      Illustration 13 LinkedIn Good morning on Sunday March 15

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