Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Cyber Defence. Daniel Ventre

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Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Cyber Defence - Daniel Ventre

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chips, data flows, with billions of users increasingly dependent on this technological environment – has continued to grow and expand, in a movement of expansion that nothing seems to be able to stop. It has transformed the world, to the point where it has reached the status of a new dimension, alongside the land, the sea, the air and space. Although there was no mention of “cyberspace” in the mid-20th Century, the foundations had already been laid.

      Since then, this expansion has been motivated as much by scientific as by economic and industrial motives, as well as by political issues.

      The recent technological markers of this development are, for example, “Big Data”, “cloud computing”, “4G”, “5G”, the “Internet of Things”, “IPv6” and “social media”. At the political and societal level, the manifestations of this expansion can be seen by access to the Internet, which affects an ever-growing population, by increasingly “digital” societies (e-administrations, social media, etc.) and by economies that are increasingly dependent on networks, the Internet, computers and communication tools. Some see the effects of this expansion of cyberspace as the democratization of societies, greater freedom of expression and a more dynamic and efficient economy, while others deplore the restriction of freedoms and the strengthening of state control and surveillance capacities, and therefore see this as a cause for the destabilization of societies.

      AI is “cyber” in its own right, because it exists only through software, programming languages, computers, microchips and the data it feeds on and produces. AI is a scientific discipline and a set of techniques that originated at the same time as computers, at the end of World War II, in the United States, before spreading to the rest of the world. The histories of AI, computers, computing and cyberspace will continue to be closely linked.

      Paradoxically, however, today’s treatment of AI gives the impression that there are two distinct concepts. Articles, books, colloquia, organizations, doctrines and defense strategies, to name but a few, seem to separate AI and “cyber”, with one exception: when AI is understood as a set of new techniques in the field of cybersecurity. In our view, however, AI should be entirely included in cyberspace, of which it is only one of the bricks. It should therefore be seen as a component that will be part of a pre-existing whole, on which it will have an impact, but whose nature and possibilities will also be constrained by this pre-existing environment:

      AI is already present, everywhere around us and in our daily lives, without us being aware of it most of the time. Modern vehicles that are equipped with electronics and computer technology are equipped with AI, where the software analyzes data from thousands of sensors in real time and performs calculations to regulate fuel supply and stabilize the vehicle, as well as many other functions. In autonomous vehicles, information systems take control: AI analyzes the data and “decides” the actions to be taken to drive the vehicle. Mobile phones, virtual assistants, social networks, anti-spam filters, video games, search engines, medical diagnostic support systems and simulation platforms are some of the applications that have benefited from AI, though it is impossible to draw up an exhaustive list. AI applications multiplied, in particular, during the 1980s, in the form of expert systems, of which industry, as well as defense forces, were major consumers.

      The current craze for AI is part of a series of repeated cycles, so there is no guarantee that it will last. However, for the time being, States have been won over, seeing it as a new means of achieving their ambitions: economic and industrial renewal, a new society, governance, AI as an instrument of power and might, and so on.

      In this book, we will try to understand how AI has gradually been integrated into defense policies, strategies and doctrines, and, more specifically, into cybersecurity and cyber defense. The integration of AI into the fields of security and defense is the result of a long process which has its roots in the 1950s. Current debates on the use of AI in military affairs necessarily refer to debates on RMA (Revolution in Military Affairs), on changes in the institution of the military, its organization, doctrines and challenges, on changes in power relations, on weapons (arms race, militarization, control), on the law of armed conflict and on the form and nature of conflicts.

      In this book, the reader will find numerous bibliographical references, (sometimes long) quotations and several summary tables, as we wanted to create a useful working tool for further developments.

L3 No AI AI Psycho-cognitive.Essential dimension for AI, because the main challenge of AI is to reproduce and imitate cognitive capacities.Creation of fake images, fake videos, fake Internet users, manipulation of information, perceptions, etc.
L2 No AI AI Software, applications.Examples: AI-based applications (natural language, image processing, etc.), AI-specific programming languages (LISP, etc.).
L1 No AI AI Hardware.Examples: specific chips for AI applications, robots

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