Midnight Promises. Sherryl Woods

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Midnight Promises - Sherryl Woods MIRA

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moment. “Where are the kids?”

       “They’re not here to save your hide, either. Your mom is keeping them at her house for enchiladas.”

       His expression immediately brightened. “Mom made enchiladas? We should go over there.”

       “Not on your life. She’ll save any leftovers for you,” Karen said. “You and I are having pizza and salad and a very long talk. Depending on how that goes, we’ll decide if you’re picking the kids up tonight or staying over there with them.”

       For the first time, he seemed to really get just how upset she was. An expression of alarm crossed his face.

       “Just because I forgot to mention the whole gym thing to you?”

       She frowned at his characterization. “You didn’t ‘forget’ to mention anything, Elliott,” she said quietly, annoyed by the tears that immediately sprang to her eyes. She turned away, hoping he wouldn’t see just how emotional she was. She wanted so badly to remain calm and cool so they could discuss this rationally without her dragging all her baggage into the discussion.

       Pretending to focus on the salad dressing she’d been making when he’d arrived, she said, “You deliberately chose not to discuss it with me because you didn’t think my opinion mattered or you were afraid I’d try to veto the idea.”

       “That’s not how it was,” he protested.

       “It’s exactly how it was.” She turned and faced him. She gave up on fighting the tears and allowed them to flow unchecked. “How are we supposed to make our marriage work, Elliott, if we don’t talk about something that’s going to change our lives? From what little I know, even I can see that this gym is a big deal. You’re obviously right at the center of it. Do you have any idea how much it hurt that so many other people already knew about it and I knew nothing?”

       “I’m sorry,” he said at once. “I really am. It’s an incredible opportunity, Karen. I’d never be able to do something like this totally on my own. I was trying to work it through in my head, figure out if we could really make it happen.”

       “And you didn’t consider that poor brainless me might have any thoughts about that?”

       He looked genuinely shocked by her bitter words. “Don’t be crazy, querida. You know how much your opinion matters. You’re everything to me.”

       His use of the endearment touched her heart as always. “I thought I was,” she said softly, brushing impatiently at the tears she couldn’t seem to stop.

       “Ah, don’t cry,” he pleaded, pulling her into his arms. “Please, don’t cry. You know it tears me up inside, especially when I’m the one at fault.”

       After holding herself stiff for a moment, Karen sighed and allowed herself to relax. This caring, adoring side of Elliott was the one she’d fallen in love with. That’s why it was all the more shattering when he did something thoughtless like leaving her totally out of the loop on this decision.

       “Can I tell you about it now?” he pleaded. “Will you listen and keep an open mind?”

       She nodded slowly, not letting go of him. “I can do that.” Then she lifted her head and held his gaze. “But this kind of thing can’t keep happening, Elliott. When it comes to the big things—or even the littlest ones that affect our family—we decide together. That’s what we agreed. Otherwise we’re doomed.”

       “I know you’re right. I promise to be more considerate,” he assured her. “I thought I was saving you from worrying unnecessarily about something that might not even be feasible. I guess I thought I had more time to work out the details.”

       She gave him a wry look. “In Serenity?”

       He laughed. “Yeah, that’s what Cal said. The truth is, though, that we’ve only been talking about this for a few weeks now. At first it was nothing more than an idea that a couple of the guys tossed out over beers one night after we played basketball. I wasn’t even sure it would go anywhere. There was no reason to mention it.”

       “But it’s gone way beyond the talking stages now, hasn’t it? And still you said nothing,” she said, seeing the excitement in his eyes die and hating that she was putting a damper on his enthusiasm. What else could she do, though? There were serious questions that needed answers.

       “True. Tom McDonald’s run some numbers. Ronnie Sullivan’s looked at a few pieces of property.”

       “Not with Mary Vaughn, I hope,” she said, thinking of how Dana Sue didn’t trust her husband anywhere near the Realtor, even now that Mary Vaughn had been happily reunited with her ex-husband and they had a second, late-in-life child together. Mary Vaughn had a bad habit of going after Ronnie whenever she sensed he might be vulnerable. In theory, she’d given up. In practice, who knew?

       Elliott smiled at her reaction. “I believe they have been suitably chaperoned on every occasion,” he said. “Between a new baby and trying to train Rory Sue to become a Realtor, Mary Vaughn has plenty on her plate these days without going after Ronnie again.” He shook his head. “You women have really long memories, don’t you?”

       “When it comes to the way she pursued him for years, we do,” Karen confirmed. “Something for you to remember in case there are any old flames of yours lurking about that you’ve neglected to mention.”

       “None,” he said swiftly.

       She patted his cheek. “Good to know.”

       Before he could continue to fill her in on the plans for the gym, their pizza arrived from Rosalina’s. Karen put her salad on the table, poured a couple of glasses of wine, and then they sat at the kitchen table. After she’d taken her first bite of pizza, she noticed Elliott’s gaze on her.

       “What?” she asked.

       “I know the reason for this intimate little dinner wasn’t exactly romantic, but I have to admit, it’s very nice to have my wife entirely to myself for a couple of hours with no little potential interruptions underfoot.”

       She smiled at the heat in his voice and the unmistakable desire in his eyes. He’d always been able to make her feel incredibly special and desirable with exactly that look. Even now she let it get to her and take the edge off her earlier anger.

       “Then it’s a good thing Frances has offered to give us a night just like this one every week,” she told him. “If we can get your mom on board, too, for another night, maybe we’ll have the time we need to get ourselves back on track.”

       “Do you really think we’ve been that far off track?” Elliott asked, clearly thrown by her choice of words.

       “Far enough,” she told him candidly, then added, “You know what destroyed my first marriage. Ray got us into terrible debt that I knew nothing about, then bailed on me. He didn’t even stick around long enough to help dig us out of financial ruin. That was all on me. All I could think about when I heard about this gym was that the same thing was happening all over again. I know it was irrational, but it was like this terrible flashback and I couldn’t help panicking, Elliott.”

       Though he had every reason to be offended by the unjust comparison, he merely leveled a look into her eyes. “First of all, I will never be irresponsible

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