Double Exposure. Vicki Lewis Thompson

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Double Exposure - Vicki Lewis Thompson Mills & Boon Temptation

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but then he had a sudden thought. “I wouldn’t be taking this away from Kim and Stuart, would I? I mean, this sounds like it could be the honeymoon cottage.”

      Kate laughed. “Kim and Stuart aren’t about to stay here for their wedding night, if that’s what you’re saying. They love us all dearly, but they want to be far away from here that night. Even I don’t know where they’ll be staying, but I can guarantee it won’t be at the Townsend House.”

      “Okay, then I’d love to have it.”

      “Good.” Kate turned back to the woman at the desk. “We’re all set.”

      The woman stood. “Would you like help with your luggage?”

      “No, thanks.” Hugh hoisted the garment bag to his shoulder and grabbed Kate’s suitcase. “Just point me in the right direction.”

      “I know how to get there,” Kate said. “I’ll show you.”

      That was exactly what he’d been hoping for.

      KATE HAD TO RELY ON HER own judgment in this situation, but she felt certain that Stuart would want his best man to be comfortable, especially after what Harry had been through. And if Stuart didn’t want to pay extra for the cottage, then she’d cover the cost. It wasn’t so much. Well, okay, it was twice as much as a regular room, but the man needed some amenities.

      Fortunately, this cozy hideaway had plenty. With a sense of anticipation she led him down the hall and through the cheerful breakfast room to a back door that opened onto the garden. The new owners had told Kim and Kate that they would have bought the property for the rose bushes alone. Although the inn had fallen into disrepair, the former occupants had been avid gardeners, and the dozens of blooming roses in shades of red, pink and peach testified to their skill.

      Roses lined the flagstone walk and tumbled from trellises spaced around the garden. Water splashed in several stone fountains tucked in among the flowers. Kim and Stuart hadn’t had time for engagement pictures, but last week Kate had talked them into letting her do some portraits here, and she was giving them the best of the lot, framed, as one of her wedding presents. The picture was so beautiful it brought tears to her eyes.


      She glanced over at Harry, and her tummy gave a little skitter of sensuality. “Yes, it is.”

      On the far side of the garden stood the cottage, which at one time had been a stable. But it bore no resemblance to one now. It had been painted white with blue trim to match the inn, and the effect was attractive, but the exterior gave no hint of the luxury within. Kate wanted to see the look on Harry’s face when he opened the door.

      He put the key in the lock and turned the brass knob, pushing the glossy black door open. As he stepped inside, he drew in a breath. “Ohmigod. This must cost a small fortune.”

      She smiled, pleased with his reaction. “Don’t worry about it. They gave us a grand opening discount.”

      “Even so. I have to chip in for something like this.”

      Kate had to admit the place was spectacular. Set against a backdrop of mint-green walls, dark walnut furniture in the sitting area was upholstered in white brocade. Intricately patterned Oriental carpets rested on gleaming hardwood floors, and roses in delicate vases perched everywhere, perfuming the air with a heady fragrance.

      Through a wide doorway stood a massive canopy bed dressed in the same white brocade as the furniture in the sitting room. And of course there were more roses. It was a perfect honeymoon cottage, Kate thought as she looked around. Or a lover’s retreat….

      “Beautiful.” He turned full circle, his garment bag still over his shoulder, her suitcase in his other hand. Then he glanced at Kate. “Thank you.” He hesitated. “Well, I’ve taken up a lot of your time. I’m sure you have things you need to do.”

      Maybe he was subtly trying to dismiss her. She shouldn’t make assumptions, even though she thought there was an attraction between them. “And you’re probably ready for a nap.”

      “No, not really.” He set down both suitcases and laid his jacket over a chair. “Maybe some time in the whirlpool, though.”

      “Then I should be going.” She didn’t want to leave, but she couldn’t very well hang around while he took a long soak.

      “So you do have things to take care of.” His gaze was clearly regretful.

      “Nothing earth-shattering, but I thought—”

      “For all I know some guy’s tapping his foot, wondering when you’re going to show up for dinner.”

      Her pulse rate moved up a notch. He wanted to know if she had a boyfriend. “No,” she said carefully. “Nobody’s waiting for me.” She looked into his eyes. “But maybe you need to call someone to let her know you arrived safely?”

      He held her gaze as he shook his head.

      “Oh.” Her pulse raced at the unspoken messages zinging back and forth.

      “I can hold off on the whirlpool, if you’re free for dinner.”

      “I’m free for dinner, but I think you need to do something for those stiff muscles.”

      He shrugged. “I will, eventually.” Then he gestured toward the suitcases. “Let me put these away.”

      “Okay.” She waited in the sitting room while he carried both suitcases into the bedroom. Wow. This was turning into a fantasy event.

      After he’d disappeared from view, a low whistle of appreciation filtered back to her. “Some whirlpool.”

      She remembered it well. Set into a bay window, the marble tub was big enough for at least two people. By day the windows looked out on more rose bushes. By night, translucent shades provided complete privacy.

      “And I look like a street person,” he added.

      “You look fine,” she called to him. More than fine. Awesome. Hot.

      “I need a shave.” He came back out, rolling his shoulders. “Have you seen that whirlpool?”

      She nodded. “Kim and I had the full tour when we booked the rooms for the wedding party.” Watching him work the kinks from his shoulders made her long to go over and massage those knots out for him. That’s what he really needed. A whirlpool wouldn’t necessarily help his neck and shoulders.

      “Well, I can tell you one thing. Before I take you out to dinner, I’m going to shave and clean up a little.”

      “You don’t have to go to all that trouble. We can just—”

      “Nope, I’ll feel a lot better if I do. Give me five minutes.”

      “That’s silly.” The last thing she wanted to do was create more complications for him. “Listen, there’s a submarine sandwich place a block away. I’ll go pick up some food and bring it back. That way you can stay and relax.”

      “Look, I’m really fine. A quick shave and shower and I’ll be good to go.”

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