One Night with the Best Man. Amanda Berry

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One Night with the Best Man - Amanda  Berry Mills & Boon Cherish

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think she’d have an aneurysm if ‘we’ approached her.” Penny mocked Luke’s look.

      Luke laughed. “Fair enough. Besides, I’m only here until tomorrow. Wouldn’t be fair to get anyone’s hopes up.”

      “No, you wouldn’t want to do that.”

      He pressed his hand into the small of her back and she allowed herself to move closer to him. To breathe in his scent. To feel the heat of his body against hers. The song didn’t matter as long as it didn’t stop.

      “Besides—” he leaned down as if he had a secret to whisper in her ear “—I always heard that the best man was supposed to hook up with the maid of honor.”

      Penny’s breathing hitched as she met his eyes. “I think it’s actually a written law somewhere that if both parties are single, it’s required.”

      “So we’d be in a lot of trouble if we didn’t at least attempt to...” He wiggled his eyebrows.

      “Heaps of trouble.” Her heart beat hard against her chest as she tried to keep a teasing tone.

      “We wouldn’t want that.” Luke gave her a cocky smile. “But then you were never the type to follow rules.”

      “I’ll have you know I’m one of the upstanding citizens in Tawnee Valley now.”

      “Really?” His sarcastic tone made her laugh.

      “I’m a valued member of the Chamber of Commerce. My shop brings in tons of tourists.”

      “I guess that nails it, then.” He made a serious face even though his eyes were twinkling. Still dancing, he led her to the side of the dance floor. “Rules are rules, after all.”

      She swallowed as liquid heat flooded her system. Her fingers locked around the back of his neck. “I suppose after the reception...”

      The heat in his blue eyes made her breath catch. He didn’t have to say he wanted her. It was there and it scorched her through to her soul. She didn’t want to wait. It had been too long since she’d held him, since her skin had brushed against his.

      His smile grew cocky. “Why wait?”

      Penny glanced around them. The music had shifted to a fast song again. Most everyone was on the dance floor. Amber was dancing with her parents. Sam was brooding in a corner with a glass of liquor. The older folks were on the other side of the dance floor gathered around a few tables. It looked as if they were shouting to talk above the music.

      His hand closed firmly around hers and she met his eyes. Apparently they’d reached the same conclusion. No one would miss them if they ducked out at this moment. She doubted anyone would even think anything of it if they did disappear.

      Luke started backing up, pulling her with him. Giddiness welled inside her, the same feeling she used to get in high school when Luke would pick her up for a date. Anticipation mixed with the knowledge that no one would know what they were doing. Something hidden that was hers alone.

      “You know, I’m not this type of guy.” He stopped and pulled her hard until she stumbled into his chest. His teasing smile made her heart skip a beat. “I usually require dinner and wine first.”

      She smiled up at him. “Good thing we came to a wedding, then. Dinner, check. Wine, check.”

      “I wouldn’t want you to think less of me.” He was joking around, but her heart wouldn’t let her say something flippant. It demanded she let him know this much.

      “Nothing would make me think less of you.”

      He glanced over her shoulder toward the rest of the party as they approached the exit. “Where should we go?”

      When he turned back to her, she forgot to breathe, let alone think. She knew that in Luke’s eyes, they were equals, but she’d always known she wasn’t as good as he was. During sex was the only time she felt like his match.

      “Follow me.” She led him past the curtain and into the darkness behind it. The closet door opened easily and she slid in with Luke behind her.

      “Classy,” Luke muttered. The door closed and the small space seemed to close in on them. Even the music was muffled beyond recognition. The smell of lemon cleaner tinged the air.

      “If you’d rather go out in the parking lot and risk causing Bitsy heart palpitations when she sees me straddling you in your brother’s truck—”

      “Stop thinking, Penny.” In the darkness, he moved closer until she felt his whole body pressed against hers. Her breath quickened as she waited. For his next move. For his touch. For his kiss.

      She felt the brush of his arm next to her and caught her breath. The click of the lock could barely be heard over the sound of their breaths. The warm, clean scent of Luke filled her.

      “You don’t have to do this.” Luke’s whispered words caressed her earlobe. “Just because we’re here at a wedding doesn’t mean we have to have sex.”

      “Are you trying to give me an out, Luke Ward?” She laughed, releasing some of the tension that had been welling within her. “I must be pretty darned good if you think this is all your idea.”

      He chuckled and his knuckles brushed over her jaw, ending her own laughter. “I don’t want you to think I only want sex.”

      “What else would you want?” She didn’t bother trying to hide the breathiness of her voice.

      His forehead pressed against hers and his hands ran up and down her arms. “I don’t know.”

      Her heart beat with his quickened breath. Once, twice, three times.

      She slid off her heels and lifted onto her toes. Pressing a kiss to his jaw, she could feel his heart beat in time with hers against her palm. “I want you.”

      His lips closed over hers. Sparks rippled through her as he pulled her in close. Relief spiraled out of her heart even as her pulse quickened. Her memories of his kisses collapsed under the weight of this one. It wasn’t the technique that had her clutching at his dress shirt—though the technique was definitely good. It was the man.

      In an instant, she knew if it were ten years from now, even a hundred, and Luke kissed her, it would still feel like this. Explosive, powerful, soul shattering.

      Desire pulsed within her, and that little piece of her that would always belong to Luke throbbed with satisfaction. He was kissing her as if they had only moments to live. Maybe they did. Maybe she felt alive only when Luke was here. Kissing her.

      His hands clutched at the fabric around her hips, slowly easing the silky material up her calves and over her thighs. It was as if the silk were his fingers trailing ever higher, stealing her breath.

      She unclenched her fingers and started undoing the buttons of his shirt. The need to feel his skin against hers was overwhelming. His warmth beckoned beneath the fabric. The cool air caressed her legs as her dress slipped up over her hips. The crisp fabric of his tux pants brushed against her skin.

      Pulling his shirt free of his pants, she opened

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