The Navy Seal's Rescue. Jo Leigh
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“About those charters,” she said, “you are insured, right?”
Ronny stopped eating to stare at her. “Insured? Why would I need that? You’re an attorney. Anything happens and I get sued, you’ll take care of it.”
She dropped her fork. “Are you crazy? The only thing I’d be able to do is visit you in prison.”
A smile with lots more lines crinkling his tanned face made her roll her eyes. “I’m insured,” he said. “Very well, in fact. Both the business and the house.”
“Speaking of, what happened with that fall on the dock? And also, how come you didn’t tell me about crashing the Jeep?”
“Lousy gossips in this town. The Jeep was nothing. A fender bender. I needed three whole stitches. Jeez. As for the dock, it was slick and I fell, that’s it. It happens.”
“Was it the dock or your personal slip?”
“I don’t remember. Does it matter?”
“Of course it does. You’re responsible for your slip. Before I leave, I’m going to the dock to make sure it’s not a hazard, talk to the harbormaster if need be. Even with insurance, if someone breaks their neck and they can prove maintenance wasn’t kept up, they can sue the pants off you.”
“Honey, I hate to tell you, I’ve been without pants on that dock plenty of times before.”
His hearty laugh hadn’t changed a bit. “Eat your pancake. If you finish it all up, I’ll make you another.”
“Oh, Ronny. I’m not twelve anymore. All this sugar is going to keep me wired all day.”
“And you turned your nose up at my coffee.”
She laughed and ate, enjoying the cloyingly sweet chocolate and syrup despite herself. It reminded her of home, of such happy days. Even when Ronny and her mom fought, they must’ve been civil, because she didn’t remember any of it. After they split, her childhood spent mostly with her father was a collage of shining memories, filled with an ease she rarely found outside the Bay.
“How’s Eleanor and Oliver?” They were his longtime neighbors. Oliver was a retired fisherman and Eleanor worked at the library part-time. They’d watched her often when she was growing up.
“Oliver’s getting old. Can’t walk too much anymore. Working on the sea takes it out of a person. He’s got arthritis so bad his hands are almost useless. Eleanor still goes out to the library three times a week, though.”
“Do they still argue like street fighters?”
“Yeah, but it’s better now that Eleanor doesn’t hear so great. Oliver spends most of his time yelling at the kids who come around here.” Ronny shrugged. “It’s okay, though. A man like Oliver needs something to be angry about, other than his own body.”
“And how’s your body?”
He looked wounded, and honestly, she hated to even bring it up, but there was something off about him. His eyes still made him seem young, and his floppy hair, permanently sun streaked and brushing the neckline of his T-shirt, had grayed some, mostly at his temples. It wasn’t that, though. His movements were somehow more careful. Even when he walked the short distance from the kitchen to the table. “I’m not that old.”
“I know. That accident? Whose fender was the bender?”
His guff of air was a warning, but she wasn’t about to back off yet. “Mine, okay? I got distracted. What, that’s never happened to you? I’m fifty-eight years old, and I’ve had exactly two car accidents. Both of them minor. I think my record is pretty damn good.”
“When was the other one?”
He didn’t answer.
“Could vertigo be the problem?”
“What about surfer’s ear?”
“You think I wouldn’t know if I had surfer’s ear?”
“Have you checked?”
She was about to ask him another question, but reconsidered.
His stare made her feel awkward, something she wasn’t used to. Ronny wasn’t just a community legend, he was her own personal hero. His kindness had always been unfailing, and she’d known many boys turn into good men because they’d hung out with her beach bum dad. “Isn’t that famous coffee of yours done by now?”
“Yes, it is.” She got up, took her empty plate into the kitchen, which was really just on the other side of the standing counter, and poured them both a cup. Despite his complaining, he’d always liked the way she made it with a pinch of cinnamon.
“Tell me what else has changed,” she said, setting his cup in front of him. She kissed his forehead before sitting down.
There was the smile that she loved. “Every damn thing. Except the surfing and the fishing. Some company offered me a fortune to buy the shack, and my slice of sand.”
“Of course I told them no. I’m never leaving this place. I want you to have it after I kick off. Besides, this old thing survived Hurricane Sandy, the town council and five mayors.”
“Even you have to admit it could use a few repairs.”
“I’ll get to them before winter hits, how about that?”
“How about you hire someone before winter?”
“Why? I’m perfectly capable—”
“I’m not saying that. But come on, why should you? You already do too much. Tell you what. Now that I’m a rich attorney, let me do this for you. I didn’t get you anything but a card for your last birthday.”
“Absolutely not. You put that money into savings. Jeez, I want you to retire early so you can come back home where you belong. This town needs a Cricket. Bad.”
She reached over and took his hand. God, his skin was dry and spotted. So much exposure to the sun. His words, though, they brought a small lump to her throat. “Okay. We’ll discuss the repairs later. Right now, I want to ask you something.”
His eyes had narrowed, and Cricket immediately put off the question she’d been about to ask him. “Do you ever go up to Sam’s Sugar Shack?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“You know the new bartender?”
“There’s a new bartender?”