The Doctor's Secret Son. Deb Kastner
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She didn’t know the man Zach Bowden had become.
Worse yet, she wasn’t over him.
Chapter Two
On the outside, at least, Zach kept his attention on his ailing neighbor, but, surreptitiously, he watched Delia work, his heart drinking in the presence of the woman who had once been his whole life like a man who’d spent years in the desert with no water.
In a way, that was exactly what he was. He had told himself a million times that he wouldn’t care if he ever saw Delia again in his life, but he now knew that was a flat-out lie.
How could he not care when she had taken his heart and smashed it into thousands of pieces?
Time hadn’t healed his wounds, nor had it changed the way his heart leaped out of his chest every time their eyes met. It shook him to the core to discover that despite the anger and bitterness he felt toward her, his attraction to her had only deepened with the passage of time.
She was beautiful.
She’d always been pretty, but now there was a new maturity shining from those huge sapphire-blue eyes of hers. Her black hair, which she’d worn shoulder-length as a teen, now flowed in thick, glossy waves down her back. Her rich alto voice had matured to be smooth as silk, wrapping around a man’s senses like a warm wind.
“On a scale of one to ten, with ten being the worst pain you can imagine, how do you feel?” Delia asked Spence in a soft, reassuring tone.
“Still about a five or six,” Spence said with a groan. “Man, this really hurts.”
“That’s actually good news,” Delia informed him, and Zach silently concurred. “When you really start to worry about a burn is if it doesn’t hurt at all.”
“Great,” Spence muttered.
Delia chuckled.
Zach squeezed the man’s shoulder as Delia added additional morphine to the IV and efficiently prepared a cart for dressing the wound.
“It looks worse than it is,” he assured Spence. “Right, Delia?”
“Absolutely. You’ll need to change the dressing a couple of times a day and take the antibiotics I’m going to prescribe you, but this should heal up just fine. I’ll clean up the wound a bit and you’ll be as good as new.”
Spence’s gaze widened perceptibly, but he clenched his jaw and nodded gravely as he resolved himself to endure the discomfort.
Zach felt for him. Burns really hurt, even the small ones, and even though Spence’s burn wasn’t life-threatening, he’d still have to struggle with the pain.
“Do you feel the narcotic kicking in yet?” Zach asked as the tension left Spence’s shoulders.
Spence’s eyes grew dilated and hazy, and he laid his head back on the pillow and sighed. “Yes, thankfully.”
“Just keep your eyes on me, man,” Zach suggested. “This will all be over in a minute. You can trust Delia. She’s a great doctor.”
Delia’s surprised gaze flew to Zach, and it was no wonder. In truth, he had no way of knowing what kind of a doctor Delia was. He’d made the comment for Spence’s benefit, to ease his anxiety.
That said, he was fairly certain his statement was correct. Even though he’d never actually seen Delia practice medicine, he had no doubt in his mind that she was a very good doctor. As long as he’d known her, she’d dreamed of having a career in the medical field. She’d always excelled as a student. And she was nothing if not persistent and dedicated. She wouldn’t let any obstacle get in the way of whatever she wanted to do.
Even if he was the obstacle in question.
He ignored the tug in his gut and reminded himself to keep his mind on his work. This was no time to visit the past.
Delia was quick and efficient as she cleaned and dressed the wound. Zach imagined she’d encountered dozens of similar situations on her emergency room rotations in Baltimore, although this time her patient was a neighbor, a man she’d known from her childhood.
How did she feel about being able to provide medical assistance to someone she was acquainted with? Did she find the same satisfaction in helping a friend as he did?
Maybe that’s why she’d finally come home.
He experienced another acute, agonizing stab in his gut. Unlike Spence’s burn, which probably would do little more than leave a scar, Zach’s wounds had never quite healed properly, and he didn’t think they ever would.
Delia reached for a key to the medicine cabinet and provided Spence with a bottle of prescription painkillers and an antibiotic. She was the pharmacist as well as the doctor in this little town; but, as with the rest of her duties, she handled the transaction with ease.
She rechecked the wound one last time and pronounced Spence good to go.
“Ben and I can give you a lift back to your house,” Zach suggested, supporting Spence’s arm as he rolled to a sitting position.
“I’ve already caused you enough grief,” Spence argued. “I can find some other way home.”
Delia’s gaze shifted to Zach. She knew him well enough to know he wasn’t going to back down. That wasn’t his way.
“Nonsense,” Zach said with a shake of his head. “It makes sense for us to give you a ride. Your father can’t drive anymore, and even if he could, he’s the one who’s watching the twins.”
“Yes, but—”
Zach cut him off with a wave of his hand. “Ben and I will be happy to take you. Not another word, you understand?”
Even after Zach’s friendly warning, Spence still looked like he was about to argue some more, at least until Delia laid a hand on his shoulder.
“Listen to Zach,” she advised. “It’s not like you’ll be inconveniencing them. Short of a kitten stuck in a tree, you’re likely to be the day’s only emergency. Think of it as a favor—you’ll be giving the two of them something productive to do with their time.”
“Don’t argue with Delia,” Zach added. “Take it from me—she always wins.”
That hadn’t come out right. He didn’t know why he’d said it. He sounded churlish.
He definitely wasn’t over her.
In his youth he’d been devastated by her leaving. Now he was bewildered by her return. Still, he knew he could be handling it better.
“I don’t know that I always win,” Delia countered, her bottom jaw rocking forward