Freezing Point. Elizabeth Goddard

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Freezing Point - Elizabeth Goddard Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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his disturbing thoughts. Unable to look away, he held her gaze a little too long. In that instant, he felt a strong connection to her.

      Not good.


      The trauma of the last few minutes still fresh in her mind, Casey ran her fingers through Simon’s soft fur and looked into Jesse’s face.

      Pain seeped into her thoughts. She remembered hitting the tile with her head and biting the inside of her mouth. She frowned and touched her head.

      “You’re hurt.” Jesse nudged the dog from the sofa and sat next to her. “Let me see.”

      He placed his hands on her head, tilting it just so, then ran a finger over the lump. “Ouch …” he said, as though her pain were his.

      Though she winced a little, his gentle touch and apparent concern sent a barrage of warmth through Casey’s insides. Uncomfortable with his nearness, she pulled away. “It’s nothing. Just a bump.”

      He shoved his hand over his mouth, a contemplative look on his face. “Maybe we should take you to the E.R., just to be safe.”

      Casey pushed up from the sofa. “I’m fine. I’ve had a concussion before, and this is nothing.”

      When Simon began sniffing around the living room, Jesse rose and moved toward the dog. He reached down and grabbed the leash then looked over at Casey. “What can I do to help? Can I get you something?”

      She weaved her fingers through her hair, careful to avoid the sore spot. “I’m just a little shaken, that’s all. It’s not every night a girl faces off with a man holding a gun in her own home.” She offered a small grin. “Even if it isn’t exactly my home.”

      “Maybe you should call your aunt and uncle and let them know what happened.”

      “Yeah, let them call off any other dogs.” Feeling chilled, Casey rubbed her arms and turned her back on Jesse. Tonight’s incident, coupled with fleeing her home only days ago, left her more than frazzled. Tears stabbed at the back of her eyes.

      From beside her, a strong arm wrapped around her shoulders and squeezed. “It’s all right, Casey.” Jesse’s words were soft, his breath warm against her ear.

      This wasn’t the man she met today on the loading dock. This was someone entirely different. She liked this Jesse much better.

      Casey wanted to ask him how he knew it was all right, but she couldn’t because he would hear the tears in her voice as she fought them sliding down her cheeks. At least she didn’t fall victim to a full sob, which is what she really wanted to do.

      She couldn’t be that uninhibited in front of Jesse—a man she’d met only this afternoon. By all counts, he was a complete stranger.

      And yet, Casey felt safe with him. Because of that, she allowed him to hold her, if only for a few moments. She sank into what felt like the protective armor of his arms. It had been far too long since she’d experienced that feeling.

      Finally, her anguish dissipated, at least for now, she released a slow breath. Jesse must have taken that as his cue and dropped his arms.

      He turned her to face him and lifted her chin. “You’re going to be all right. Make sure you set the alarm when I leave.”

      Casey wanted to tell him that arming the place hadn’t stopped the intruder. But then again, Mr. Spear wasn’t exactly an intruder and obviously had the alarm-system password. She’d have to ask Aunt Leann if she could change the password and how to do it. That would go a long way in making her feel safer.

      “Thank you, Mr. Jesse Dufour. Who knows what might have happened if you hadn’t shown up.” She knew her smile was weak, but Jesse was the only reason she smiled at all. That is, Jesse and his dog, Simon.

      He jammed a hand in his pocket and held Simon’s leash, keeping the dog from her, then without warning, he released him. Simon came bounding at Casey once again.

      She knelt to meet him. “Come here, you.”

      When she looked up at Jesse, his expression had sobered. “I’m going to check around the rest of the house now to make sure there isn’t someone else lurking in a closet, though I doubt it.”

      “I’ll come with you,” she said.

      “No, you stay with Simon. He’ll keep you safe if there’s any need.”

      Jesse finally returned. “The house is empty except for us. Listen, I gave you my business card today, but it doesn’t include my personal cell. Let me give you that number.”

      “I’ll get my phone.” Casey came back to find him standing halfway out the doorway, one foot on the deck. “Okay, what is it?”

      He gave her the number and she stored it in her phone. “Got it. But I’m sure I’ll be fine. It was just a misunderstanding, right?”

      “Right. If you get another intruder you should call the police. I was referring to the fact that you wanted an interview. That’s the best way to contact me.” He grinned.

      “I knew that.” Heat crept up her neck. Had she actually thought he would return to protect her if she called? Still, he’d already given a contact number for the interview. Why was he giving his personal number now? She liked that. Warmth spread through her but it quickly died. She couldn’t have called the police tonight if she tried. Or Jesse, either, for that matter.

      Next time she’d go for the phone instead of a figurine.

      “How about tomorrow at nine?” he asked.

      “Tomorrow? I thought you said a couple of days?” Casey had considered that Jesse would likely renege, considering how eager he had been to see her leave the ice company.

      “Okay, a couple of days then,” he said.

      Did she really want to wait that long? Not a chance.

      “Tomorrow at nine o’clock.”

      “See you then.” He completed his exit through the door.

      She watched him make his way down the steps and disappear into the darkness on the beach. Suddenly she felt drained—tired from running for her life, running from Will, and exhausted from her struggle with a friendly intruder.

      What an oxymoron.

      Long after Jesse left that night, Casey lay in bed, staring at a late-night talk show on the muted television while she held the phone to her ear. She’d left a message with Aunt Leann about the friendly but brusque intruder, then spent a few minutes writing in her diary. She’d kept a diary for years. All of her deepest feelings were poured onto its pages, including thoughts about everyone she knew. When she’d fled Portland, her diary had been among the most important items to grab. Journaling kept her centered, giving her the ability to laugh when life threw her the unexpected. Maybe one day she could read back over the events of the last few months and laugh.

      No. She doubted she’d ever laugh about this.

      Then, she’d jammed the book beneath

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