Lorenzo's Reward. Catherine George

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Lorenzo's Reward - Catherine George Mills & Boon Modern

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laughed. “How did his Finals go?”

      “He refuses to commit himself. He’s going back to Edinburgh to paint it red after the wedding, but for now I think he’s just relieved the exams are over.”

      “I bet he is. And how about you and Dad? Are you worn out with all the excitement?”

      “Not in the least. Everything’s under control. What time are you arriving tomorrow?”

      “I’ll ring when I start off. Jury work’s more tiring than I expected—I really need a lie-in tomorrow before I have my hair cut. I should be with you some time in the afternoon. And mind you take it easy, Mother, don’t work too hard. See you tomorrow. Can you float the bride towards the phone now?”

      Leonie Dysart greeted her sister with such exuberance Jess felt wistful, wondering how it felt to be so much in love. And to know with such certainty that her feelings were returned.

      “Sorry, Leo, what did you say?” she said quickly.

      “I asked how you were feeling after your stint in court.”

      “A bit tired, as we speak, but don’t worry. I’ll be firing on all cylinders on the day.” Jess paused. “Leo, this is a bit of a long shot, but I don’t suppose you’d know how to contact Roberto Forli? Here in this country, I mean? You’ll never believe this, but I bumped into him yesterday—”

      “Don’t I know it! What on earth was all that about? He rang here afterwards and told me you took one look at him in a pub somewhere and ran for your life. He sounded so stroppy I was surprised when he asked for your telephone number. Did he get in touch last night?”

      “Yes, he did. But I couldn’t speak to him then, either.”

      “Why not?” demanded her sister in astonishment. “I thought you liked him.”

      “I do.” Jess heaved a sigh, then explained the problem in detail.

      “Oh, Jess, what bad luck! I knew Roberto had a barrister friend he sometimes stays with in London.”

      “Unfortunately the friend was Prosecuting Counsel on the case I was sitting in on. So I thought if I could ring him to explain—”

      “You don’t have to,” said Leonie, sounding rather odd. “You’ll see him on Sunday. I’ve invited him to the wedding.”

      “What? And he’s actually coming?” said Jess, astonished. “How does Jonah feel about that? Doesn’t he mind having his wedding cluttered up with your former lovers?”

      “Just one,” said Leonie tartly. “Not that Roberto was ever my lover, as you well know. Anyway, I invited the Ravellos, who own the school in Florence. And since it’s through them that I met Roberto when I was teaching there it seemed only polite to send him an invitation, too. Mind you, I never dreamed he’d accept.”

      “Jonah’s not put out?”

      “He’s all for it.”

      Jess chuckled. “You mean he’s very happy for Roberto to look on, grinding his teeth, while you take Jonah Savage for your lawful wedded husband.”

      “Exactly.” Leonie gave a wry little laugh. “Anyway, Jess, do try to smooth things over with Roberto. He’s a good friend of mine, remember, and I’m fond of him. Poor man. Women invariably chase after Roberto Forli, not run away from him.”


      THE DRIVE home was long and hot, the motorway crowded with holiday traffic, and Jess felt her spirits lift when she saw the twin towers of the older Severn bridge soaring white against the blue sky. She hummed happily in tune with the car radio as she drove across the bridge, then down through Chepstow and on for the remaining miles towards home. She swept in through the gates of Friars Wood at last, gunned the car up the bends of the drive past the Stables where Adam lived, and roared past the main house to park in a crunch of gravel in her usual spot under the trees near the summerhouse at the end of the terrace.

      Jess sounded her horn, indignant when no one came rushing out of the house to greet her. Then she jumped out of the car, laughing, as six-year-old Fenella came hurtling up the garden, with a large golden retriever in panting pursuit. Leonie came following behind in more leisurely fashion, attired in shrunken vest top, khaki shorts and battered old sneakers, her bronze hair bundled up in an untidy knot.

      “You’re a very messy bride, Leo!” called Jess, hugging Fenny as she fended off Marzi, who was frisking around them in a frenzy of excitement. “Where is everyone?”

      “Adam’s driven Kate to her friend’s house to get some books,” panted Fenny, gazing, round-eyed, at Jess’s hair.

      “And Dad’s taken Mother to the hairdresser,” said Leonie. “Fenny got impatient, waiting for you, so we went off to throw a ball for the dog before he’s banished to the farm for the weekend.” She gave Jess a kiss, then stood back, grinning. “I love the hair.”

      “Do you? Really?” Jess smiled, relieved. “I suppose I should have asked your approval first. It’s your wedding. But I was tired of my girly bob. I fancied something wilder for a change.”

      “Dad will hate it,” said Leonie, laughing. “But I love the way it falls over one eye like that. Dead sexy. Come and have tea; you must be hot after the drive. Fen, shall I take Marzi’s lead?”

      “No, I can do it,” insisted the little girl.

      “You’re obviously not bothering with a hairdresser, Leo,” commented Jess, as they went into the cool house together.

      “Nope. I’ll wash the flowing locks myself, as usual. I just want to look my normal self.”

      “Which is exactly what Jonah requires, of course. Always has,” added Jess.

      Leonie nodded, her dark eyes luminous. “I know. I’m so lucky.”

      “So is Jonah,” said Jess gruffly. “Now, where’s that tea?”

      “Mother said you’d probably skip lunch,” said Leonie. “So I made you some salad, and hid some of Mother’s little mushroom tarts from Adam.”

      “And the coconut cake,” said Fenny, eyes gleaming as they fastened on the snowy confection under a glass dome. “Can I have some, Leo? Please?”

      “So what’s happening tonight?” said Jess, helping herself to salad.

      “Jonah’s having dinner with his family in Pennington tonight, at the company flat, and we’ll just have a family supper here.” Leonie cut a slice of cake for Fenny. “Roberto’s staying in Pennington too, with the Ravellos,” she said casually. “So you could ring the Chesterton tonight and have a chat with him. If you like.”

      Jess choked on a crumb of pastry, her dark eyes bright with dismay as they met her sister’s. “Must I?”

      “I thought you might like to. So that everything’s nice and friendly for tomorrow.”

      Jess’s groan was cut off by the arrival of Tom and Frances Dysart,

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