Wild Seduction. Daire St. Denis

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Wild Seduction - Daire St. Denis Mills & Boon Blaze

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to have such an effect on her. She stumbled to her seat beside her father and sat down, pretending to fiddle with her camera.

      “So, you and Cross?” he asked gruffly.

      She mumbled something that was somewhat of an assertion.

      “You could do worse.”

      Out of the corner of her eyes, she snuck a glance at her father. Was it possible he was actually in favor of a relationship with Colton?


      The opening ceremonies came to a close, and the first event—barrel racing—began. Ashley turned her attention from Colton and focused on the task at hand, capturing as many images as she could. Time operated on a different wavelength when she was behind the camera, so she was barely aware of the fact that Jasmine had stayed as long as she had, watching the show.

      When there was a break between events, Jasmine explained—with a knowing smirk—that she wanted to see the riding events, the bull riding in particular. Just the mention of it brought Colton to mind and had Ashley’s stomach in knots because, well...

      She wasn’t exactly sure why.

      It was probably the unknown payment for services rendered.

      The man had gone above and beyond to act like her boyfriend. What exactly would he expect for it?

      Time both seemed to inch by and simultaneously move at warp speed, and before Ash knew it, the bull-riding event was next on the schedule. Colt was the fifth rider, and the queasiness in her stomach intensified, culminating in a nauseous feeling when Hal called Colton’s name as the next contestant.

      He’s just like all the rest. Just take pictures like he’s everyone else.

      Bolstering herself with a deep breath, Ash focused on the gate, snapping shots of the cowboy in question as he wrapped the rope around his right hand in preparation for the ride. The bull he sat astride was a massive yellowish beast, so ready to buck it was slamming against the gate before it even opened.

      The horn sounded. The gate opened. The bull took off, jumping and spinning, kicking and bucking in a way that was completely unnatural for an animal its size.

      Click. Click. Click.

      Ash followed the movement of man and beast as they danced violently around the ring for what seemed like an eternity.

      The eight-second horn blew, an outrider rode up, divesting the animal of the flank strap, and Colton hopped off. Even without the strap, the bull was angry, and seeing Colton in the ring—the man who’d been foolish enough to try to ride him—enraged the bull even more. At least, that’s what it looked like to Ash. Her thoughts were confirmed when the thing charged, and Colton ran for the gate.

      The audience gave out a collective gasp as Colton narrowly avoided the bull’s horns before climbing the rungs of the gate to safety. Together, the rodeo clown and outriders corralled the bull back to the stockyard, resulting in a cheer from the crowd and a hat wave from Colton.

      “My, my,” Jazz whispered in her ear. “That man must get your juices flowing.”

      Ash turned to her friend. “Colton knows how to put on a show.”

      “Yeah.” Jasmine’s eyes were aglow with admiration. “He’s something else.”


      So now Jazz was seduced by Colton’s manly displays? Because that was what it was, right? A display. An egotistical need for attention. Why else would someone willingly climb on to the back of an angry animal and risk their life for all and sundry to witness?

      “Listen,” Jazz said. “I know you’ve got to stick around and take pictures, and I overheard you’ve got plans with Colton, so I’m going to head back to the fairgrounds and visit with some people. Catch up at the saloon tonight?”

      “Yeah. Sure.”

      Jasmine reached for her hands and squeezed. “You are one lucky girl.”

      “Thanks,” Ash said softly.

      Lucky? Ashley didn’t feel lucky.

      More like one of the calves in the roping contest. In way over her head and about to be taken down and humiliated for all to see.

      * * *

      ASHLEY LEANED AGAINST the gate, wishing she hadn’t cut off her jeans so that she could wipe her damp palms down the front. She gave herself a mental shake. This was stupid. Why did she feel nervous?

      Because you have no idea what Colton wants from you.


      So, what would it be? A challenge? A dare? Something menial? Something sexual...?

      Her tummy tightened at the thought.

      And not in a bad way.


      “Heya, Ashley.”

      Ash spun around. Colton was there with the sun at his back, his hat pulled low so that his face was left in shadow.

      “Colton.” She cleared her throat. “Good ride today.”

      “Thanks. Ol’ Yeller was sufficiently ornery.”

      “That the bull?”

      “Yep. That was a lucky draw on my part.”

      “Why’s that?”

      “The tougher the bull, the higher the score if you make it to eight.”

      Ashley nodded. Being one of five sisters who lived in town meant she really didn’t know all that much about the rules of the rodeo.

      “So, what do I owe you for that overt display of affection by the announcer’s stage?”

      “Wow. Right down to business, huh?” He pushed his hat back, so she could see his face. His eyes sparkled irreverently.

      Good God.

      “It’s a busy weekend.” Ash indicated her camera. “So the quicker we figure it out, the quicker I can get back to work.”

      Colton’s lips twisted. “All right. Show me your hands.”


      He reached halfway across, holding his hands palms up. “Let’s see them.”

      Hesitantly, Ash placed her hands in his. She was amazed by how small they looked. He rubbed his thumbs over her knuckles and then turned them over, palms up.

      “They’re nice. Are you strong?”

      Snatching her hands away, she formed a fist and punched him on the shoulder. It was total instinct, and it took her a moment to realize what she’d done.

      He chuckled. “Nice jab. Okay, let’s go.”

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