The Fireman's Ready-Made Family. Jules Bennett

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The Fireman's Ready-Made Family - Jules Bennett Mills & Boon Cherish

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style="font-size:15px;">      “I’m a pretty good listener,” he said, giving her shoulder a slight squeeze, pleased when she didn’t pull away.

      “I’m sure you are, but I...” She shook her head and sighed.

      Drake stepped closer, fully aware that he was teetering on a thin line where her emotions were concerned. But that damn pull between them crackled in the air, making him want to hold her, to offer some comfort.

      His other hand came up to cup her other shoulder as he eased forward. “Sometimes it only looks as though there’s no hope,” he told her. “Trust me.”

      Damp eyes came up to meet his, and the punch to the gut was swift and unexpected.

      “My trust was shattered,” she whispered, keeping her wet eyes locked on his. “I can’t face this... I can’t get close to anyone, if that’s what you were thinking.”

      Shocked that she’d called him out, Drake slid his hands from her shoulders and let them drop.

      “I wasn’t looking for anything more than friendship, Marly. I want to help Jeremy and I’d like to be your friend.” He met her gaze, ripped apart at the sight of those big brown eyes brimming with unshed tears. “Before you can learn to trust others again, you need to trust your heart. What’s it saying about me?”

      With that loaded question, he walked from the lounge. His own heart beat fast in his chest as he made his way out to the parking lot and to his truck. Once he settled in behind the wheel, he took a deep breath, closed his eyes and leaned his head back.

      When he’d told her to trust her heart, he’d been talking to himself more than anything...but now he realized it was solid advice.

      Drake knew Marly was a strong woman, but someone had pushed that strength aside and had taken advantage of her. He intended to honor his promise of friendship and not press for more. Marly was special, she was worth being patient for, and Drake couldn’t wait to see what happened next.

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