Museum Media. Группа авторов

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the dissipation or loss of useful energy, the term is more generally used to refer to a tendency to increased disorder and loss. Negentropy therefore has become associated with the idea that information processing produces order from chaos, with data appearing to become increasingly ordered and “lossless.”

      Bann, Stephen. 1984. “The Poetics of the Museum.” In The Clothing of Clio: A Study in the Representation of History in Nineteenth-Century Britain and France, 77–92. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

      Benjamin, Walter. (1935) 2002b. “Paris: Capital of the Nineteenth Century.” In Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings, vol. 3, edited by Michael W. Jennings, 33–34. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

      Emerson, Lori. 2013. “Archives, Materiality and the Agency of the Machine’: An Interview with Wolfgang Ernst.” National Digital Stewardship Alliance Innovation. Accessed July 18, 2014.

      Ernst, Wolfgang. 1994. “Arsenals of Memory: The Archi(ve)texture of the Museum.” Mediamatic 8(1). Accessed July 18, 2014. (in English/Dutch).

      Ernst, Wolfgang. 2000. “Archi(ve)textures of Museology.” In Museums and Memory, edited by Susan A. Crane, 17–34. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

      Ernst, Wolfgang. 2005. “Let There Be Irony: Cultural History and Media Archaeology in Parallel Lines.” Art History 28(5): 582–603.

      Ernst, Wolfgang. 2008. “DISTORY: 100 Years of Electron Tubes: Media-Archaeologically Interpreted vis-à-vis 100 Years of Radio.” In Re-inventing Radio: Aspects of Radio as Art, edited by Heidi Grundmann et al., 415–430. Frankfurt: Revolver.

      Ernst, Wolfgang. 2012. Gleichursprünglichkeit: Zeitwesen und Zeitgegebenheit technischer Medien [Equiprimoridality: The temporal being and the being-in-time of technical media]. Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos.

      Ernst, Wolfgang. 2013a. Digital Memory and the Archive, edited with an introduction by Jussi Parikka. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

      Ernst, Wolfgang. 2013b. “From Media History to Zeitkritik.” Theory, Culture & Society 30: 132–146.

      Foucault, Michel. (1969) 2002. The Archaeology of Knowledge. Translated by A. M. Sheridan Smith. London: Routledge.

      Griffiths, Alison. 2002. Wondrous Difference: Cinema, Anthropology, and Turn-of-the-Century Visual Culture. New York: Columbia University Press.

      Heidegger, Martin. (1927) 1962. Being and Time. Translated by John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson. Oxford: Blackwell. Originally published as Sein und Zeit (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1927).

      Henning, Michelle. 2006a. “New Media.” In A Companion to Museum Studies, edited by Sharon Macdonald, 302–318. Oxford: Blackwell.

      Henning, Michelle. 2006b. Museums, Media and Cultural Theory. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.

      Henning, Michelle. 2011. “Neurath’s Whale.” In The Afterlives of Animals, edited by Sam Alberti, 151–168. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.

      Innis, Harold. (1951) 2008. The Bias of Communication, 2nd ed. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

      Ladendorf, Heinz. 1973. “Das Museum – Geschichte, Aufgaben, Probleme” [The museum – History, tasks, issues]. In Museologie: Bericht über ein internationales Symposium [Museology: Report on an international symposium], edited by International Council of Museums/Deutsches Nationalkomitee, 14–28. Pullach, Germany: Dokumentation.

      Laurel, Brenda. 1991. Computers as Theater. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

      Malraux, André. (1947) 1967. Museum Without Walls. London: Secker & Warburg.

      Parikka, Jussi. 2011 “Operative Media Archaeology: Wolfgang Ernst’s Materialist Media Diagrammatics.” Theory Culture & Society 28(5): 52–74.

      Swade, Doron. 2002. “Collecting Software: Preserving Information in an Object-Centered Culture.” In History of Computing: Software Issues, edited by U. Hashagen, Reinhard Keil-Slawik, and Arthur L. Norberg, 227–235. Berlin: Springer.

      Winckelmann, Johann Joachim. (1764) 2006. History of the Art of Antiquity. Translated by Harry Mallgrave. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute.

      Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey. 2006. “Cultural Studies and German Media Theory.” In New Cultural Studies: Adventures in Theory, edited by G. Hall and C. Birchall, 88–104. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

      Wolfgang Ernst has been Full Professor for Media Theories at the Institute of Musicology and Media Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin, since 2003. He studied history, classics, and archaeology; in the 1980s and 1990s his academic focus was the theory of history, museology, and the archive. His current research fields embrace time-based and time-critical media, their chrono-poetical capacities and implicit sonicity. He has published many books in German, including, recently, Chronopoetik: Zeitweisen und Zeitgaben technischer Medien (Chrono-poetics: Time in and of technological media; Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2012), Gleichursprünglichkeit. Zeitwesen und Zeitgegebenheit technischer Medien (Equiprimoridality: The temporal being and the being-in-time of technical media; Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2012), and Signale aus der Vergangenheit: Eine kleine Geschichtskritik (Signals from the past: A small historical critique; Wilhelm Fink, 2013). In English he has most recently published Digital Memory and the Archive, edited and with an introduction by Jussi Parikka (University of Minnesota Press, 2013).

      Michelle Henning is Senior Lecturer in Photography and Visual Culture in the Media Department, College of Arts and Humanities at the University of Brighton. She is also a Visiting Senior Research Fellow in the Digital Cultures Research Centre at the University of the West of England, Bristol. Prior to this she was Associate Professor of Media and Culture at the University of the West of England, Bristol. She is a practicing photographer and designer and has written widely on museums, media, and display techniques in her book Museums, Media and Cultural Theory (Open University Press, 2006), as well as in numerous collections.



       Andrew Hoskins and Amy Holdsworth

      The connective turn has threatened the scarcity value of museal media culture (Hoskins 2011a; 2011b). This “turn” is the sudden abundance, pervasiveness,

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