The Meaning of Thought. Markus Gabriel

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The Meaning of Thought - Markus  Gabriel

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       For Leona Maya

      Markus Gabriel

      Translated by Alex Englander and Markus Gabriel


      Originally published in German as Der Sinn des Denkens © Ullstein Buchverlage GmbH, Berlin. Published in 2018 by Ullstein Verlag

      This English edition © 2020 by Polity Press

      The translation of this work was funded by Geisteswissenschaften International – Translation Funding for Humanities and Social Sciences from Germany, a joint initiative of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, the German Federal Foreign Office, the collecting society VG WORT and the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (German Publishers & Booksellers Association)

      Excerpt from: Durs Grünbein, Zündkerzen. Gedichte. © Suhrkamp Verlag Berlin 2017.

      Polity Press

      65 Bridge Street

      Cambridge CB2 1UR, UK

      Polity Press


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