2015—2020. Роман Арзянцев
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Yes you know it was very interesting today to write about lovely Tajikistan and about occupations and businesses of people who live in isolated and poor areas in South Tajikistan, in Pamir Mountains near the border with Afghanistan. I want to point out that farming and drug dealing are not the only businesses. There are also many fields with beautiful and colourful flowers that are grown especially for export. It is very pleasant to watch how many flowers grow near snow covered Pamir Mountains. Even in the summer time the ice on mountain tops does not melt completely. The colour of these flowers usually is red – typical in Central Asia. But mainly Tajikistan is famous for production and export of cotton. It is used for manufacturing of clothes and other products. Cultivation and export of cotton is also popular in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
May 2, 2015
Yesterday I wrote about some most celebrated religious feasts in Islamic cultures particularly in Tajikistan. For instance Oraza Bayram is celebrated in the end of Ramadan the Holy Month and second most celebrated feast is Kurban Bayram which is held on 70th day after Oraza Bayram. Besides these religious holidays Tajik people also celebrate the day of independence that was declared on the 9th of September, 1991. So in 2015, 24 years since the declaration of independence has passed and new history on Tajikistan has begun. Tajik people also celebrate State Language Day in the November. This is very symbolic event because it is native language of most of the citizens. According to statistics 10% of population is native Uzbeks but official language of the Republic of Tajikistan is Tajik. But of course Uzbek people are allowed to communicate in their native language with each other. Tajikistan has a strong position regarding traditions, lifestyle, religion etc. Now I will tell little bit about relationships with other countries. Historically and in present days Tajikistan has a friendly relationship with certain countries in Central Asia such as Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan but unfortunately Tajikistan does not have friendly relationships with two other Islamic countries -Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Tajikistan just does not hav any international relationships with Uzbekistan, but with Turkmenistan is a whole different story. Turkmenistan has closed all its borders with foreign countries, it is the safest place to live because there is very low crime level and it does not participate in war conflicts. Sadly it cannot be said about Tajikistan, because crime lever here is high and also shady economy because of drug trafficking. In the night time it is not so safe to be outside, not only in capital but also in smaller towns. Safest option is to stay at home. Dushanbe city is simple with not so many high buildings also city squares are free and easy and I started to feel some best feelings and love for those people who manages to live in bad economical situation and poor conditions. You have to be aware that in Tajikistan earthquakes may happen from time to time. But they are not major. But in case of this natural disaster people get help only more difficult is to provide necessary help to people who live in isolated areas because Tajikistan have not appropriate equipment and resources.
There have not been any major tragedies in history of Republic of Tajikistan, I mean natural disasters. And it is really good because in case of some major earthquake it would be very difficult to recover and rebuild the infrastructure. It would be nearly impossible to find budget to cover all the expenses for rebuilding process. Large part of Tajik nation and also people form neighbohur countries are very poor and would not be able to sustain themselves anymore in case of tragedy. Fortunately no big natural disasters have happened except civil war that lasted for five years.
May 3, 2015
Well today I will start with national drinks of Central Asia. The most popular is tea. Largest parts of Islamic countries such as Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asia republics are no exception. Just few days ago when the spring started I had a cup of green tea. Green tea is very popular in republics of Central Asia. It is very difficult not to drink this amazing drink. Maybe some part of nation cannot afford to drink tea with sugar. The most interesting thing is that all of the nations who live in Central Asia do not consume alcohol. In my opinion this is because Islam forbids consumption of meat and alcohol. Probably this is the reason why these nations are very healthy and with strong views on life and religion. As I mentioned all of these counties drink tea and even Turkey and Iran grows and sells tea abroad. According to statistics most part of Tajiks drink tea maybe some part to not add any ingredients because of high price. Also other foods are price so large part of population eats only bread and drinks tea. Cakes, vegetables and fruits are very problematic to buy because the middle class citizen has low incomes, lower than in neighbour countries. Now I will write about other things of this amazing country and how to learn from life experience that is not so easy. Government provide citizens with some workplaces but still incomes are comparatively low but the prices in shops are the same as in neighbour countries with higher income. According to statistics collected in 2014 the average income has rose up over the past years and it is 900 Tajikistan Somoni (124 Euro) per person in Tajikistan. Somoni – state currency that was introduced in the end of 2000. One somoni consists of 100 Dirami or coins that are used for paying less than 1 Somoni. On the banknote you can see some historical persons form Tajik history and also some important places from main cities. For instance some banknotes has a picture of National Palace on them which is situated in the capital – Dushanbe. Also I want to point out that it is not true that the majority of people have average income in fact many citizens gets paid only the minimum wage that is only 250 TJS in 2013.
You can feel spring in your heart from the first days of May. Winters can be very cold in some areas of Tajikistan especially in Pamir Mountains when snow remains for long time. In fact on Pamir mountaintops snow and ice may stay throughout the year. I know and it is true that so many rivers start from these mountaintops. These mountain rivers are clean and fresh. Tajikistan is rich with lakes and rivers and it is wonderful to live on those places where nature and life is in harmony. You can find small settlements or in other words traditional Tajik villages situated in deep, isolated places between mountains. And you suddenly realise that life can be just as good as in other higher developed countries. Tajikistan is unique because of its rich and amazing culture and life.
May 4, 2015